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Waking up at the ass crack of dawn y/n got up got dressed made sure all her house lights were in fact turned off ate and hopped into her car for the long plane ride to her hotel she be staying at so she can work in nowhere Canada. God she was so excited. Usually she'd sleep on the planes to make time fly by but she was too excited she had gotten VIP seating which she didn't know until she got on the plane.

Once the plane landed y/ns excitement grew inside, it was cut short when she realized that she would have to drive out to her hotel then followed by driving out to some random place to meet everyone and get her studio set up. she groaned to herself because she was so tired from the flight. But she did not have any other choice so she found herself a rental car and drove to her hotel.

She got into the hotel seeing how nice it was "God fucking damn I must be here awhile if this is where they set me up" Y/n thought to herself she got a text from the man she was working for

Boss man: I see you have gotten set up in your hotel hope you don't mind its a two bedroom hotel so we set up someone else with you!!! Sorry again! Hope you can get to set as soon as possible

y/n: Ofc I will head over right away!!

Y/n was so excited about meeting the cast and who all she would be getting to work with so she didn't unpack she simply dropped her stuff off in the room she had picked both room were alike almost the same but she wanted the one with the bigger bathroom and better balcony view. She practically ran out of the hotel room only to run back realizing she didn't grab her keys or lock the door "Be excited not stupid" She mumbled to herself.

After grabbing the keys and heading to her car running like a little fan girl she loaded up all her things needed to set up her studio got into the car and drove to the set.

She arrived at the set tired she knew she would only be there a little while, she introduced herself to most people, she ran into her boss man "Hey y/n so glad you've met everybody I know you just got here but can we get you to cut one of the actors hair? I hope you don't mind" He said. "Well that's kinda my job so yeah of course I will show me to my studio so I can set up and I will start right after" Y/n said in her tired but exited tone of voice.

Y/n was lead into a small to medium sized studio for her to do hair and makeup in. "Is it okay?" the man asked. y/n not expecting it jumped a little "Yes its fine let me just set up you can send whoever it is over here I just hope they don't mind waiting for me to finish" she replied nervous she hadn't ever been treated so nice at a studio before most the time she's just thrown into working no questions allowed to be asked. The man left and she got to work right away setting up her area. while eating a sandwich she had brought for herself because she had not gotten the chance to eat earlier

A few minutes later y/n heard a knock on the door she ran over to unlocked the door when she tripped over her shoelace she left undone like a dumbass. "Uh you good?" She heard a voice outside the door the voice of a girl "Yeah I'm good" y/n said standing up and unlocking the door, she let the girl in without glancing at her and heading back to finishing the rest of her small area.

The other girl sat down in the chair. "Well at least they chose my recommendation for the makeup artist." The girl said with a smile in her voice. Y/n turned around fast to the girl dropping her hair cutting scissors on the ground, she jumped so the scissors wouldn't snip her. "shit" y/n yelped "I'm really sorry I swear I'm really not this clumsy I'm just nervous and-" "It's okay" The girl laughed cutting y/n off. y/n smiled "So uh what am I doing on you I wasn't told earlier" Y/n asked the girl. "Oh uh I think just like shoulder maybe a little shorter length hair" The girl responded with. "Damn that's a shame you have such amazing long hair" y/n said to her grabbing her scissors signaling the girl to the seat.

The girl sat down and y/n starting working. "So uh what's your name?" The girl asked "Oh yeah sorry its y/n" y/n said. "Awesome mines-" "Bella?" Y/n cut off the girl. "yeah how'd you know" Bella asked. " I assumed that was the name on the email I got the other day" Y/n said cutting Bella's hair. " Well Bella could've been anyone so-" "you just said you're glad they chose me so you already knew me it was easy to assume" Y/n said 100% zoned out into her work "oh damn" Bella said. "well I got to my apartment hotel thing earlier and dude whoever im rooming with left their side a mess, like their suitcase was half packed and clothes were everywhere" Bella said giggling. Y/N stopped realizing that was 100% her hotel room. "sorry" y/n said softly. "what?" Bella said "Oh uh IM DONE" y/n said. Bella stood up to look y/n in the face. Bella reached her arm out stepping closer to y/n and brushed the side of her mouth. "sorry crumbs they're so annoying." Y/n took a step back she was super red from blushing she only just now looked at bella. she had brown hair and soft eyes a smile that was glowing. Y/n was gushing "Uh well I gotta go back super tired jet lagged you know? Okay bye see ya." Y/n said practically bolting out of the studio.

She ran to her car to drive to the hotel. She just wanted her gay panic to be done with. She drove back to the hotel with a sense of calmness rushing over herself. She walked into her room and realized her roommate was the girl that just made her freak the fuck out. She groaned out loud and heard the door open. y/n ran to her door to slam it shut not wanting anyone to see her totally gaying out. She heard a knock at her door "Hey you good? I know we haven't met but like you good?" Bella said. Y/n just ran to her bathroom and locked the door. "Well okay I'll come back later" Bella said sounding let down. y/n left her bathroom and heard Bella shut her door y/n stayed in the room until late at night assuming Bella had gone to bed hungry y/n left her room to make herself food. As she was making food she heard the door open from the other room. "shit" she thought to herself.

(1203 words I didnt know how to end this chapter so)

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