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"Wake up" "no" "y/n" "fuck off" "we don't have work today" "what?" "today's just editing for the first few episodes and then we will have to re record some part and finally film film the last 4 episodes of the show." "I'm getting up" Bella laughed at the girl sleeping in her bed. "We should sleep all day today" y/n said "y/n..." bella responded "I like your face" y/n said. "Huh?" "good morning" y/n responded "morn-ing? Are you good?" bella asked "yeah can I curl your hair?" y/n said "sure? You're everywhere this morning." bella responded. "Yes I'm aware" y/n said sliding out of bed walking to her room to get her hair curler. She walked into the bathroom grabbing her curler and came back out to living room to see Bella on the couch, she was smiling looking at her phone, she was texting someone. I felt as my stomach dropped "who are you texting?" I asked in a non-worried tone. She wasn't expecting me so my voice startled her. "No one important" Bella replied setting her phone down the back of it up. I walk over sitting down next to Bella. I grab the extension cord plugging the iron in setting it down on the coffee table to the left of me. "I'm gonna go grab some gum from my room" Bella said "alright" I smiled in reply, once she left I look at her phone, someone with a heart as the contact had texted. "I love you too bellie, can't wait to see you again! Miss you😘" I read to myself setting his phone back down. The pit in my stomach got deeper as Bella sat back down, they offered a piece of gum that I declined and sat down in front of me on the floor in between my legs. Bella reached over to her phone and cleared the message setting it back down on the coffee table, she grabbed the remote and played some random movie from HBO, I grabbed my iron and started curling their hair in nice curls. I kept thinking it could be anyone even Pedro or one of their fellow actors, but with the fact that I have been cheated on one too many times the fear inside was the one talking in my brain. I let the hot curler hit her neck when releasing a clump of hair I had just curled. "Ow fuck." Bella said. "Sorry" I said voice dropped sounding monotone. Once I was finished I unplugged my curling iron and walked to my room slamming the door behind me. I put my iron back and sat down on my bed I looked at the sunrise that was almost over looking at the rosy sky with hints of pink fading the sky turning the light blue that it normally was. I remembered the times Bella and I would watch the sunrise and sunset together days we had off. Bella would make me tea or coffee I never had to ask it was something they picked up on after a while.
I remembered the time Bella and I layed in bed and he let me put stickers on their face or sit on them while they lay down as I would do their makeup. A tear prickled in my eye, it felt like I had been reflecting on past memories for hours but in reality it had been less then two minutes, I snapped back into reality by Bella knocking on my door saying my name. I got up opening the door coming face to face to them. "Are you okay." they asked looking worried. I heard her phone vibrate in their pocket. They took a glance at it, I noticed the same heart from before. "Yeah I'm fine... Bellie." I said closing my door again locking the door. Bella tried stopping the door and shaking the door handle. Knowing she could unlock My door I put a door up to the handle so she couldn't get in. My legs got weak and I climbed into my bathtub, curling up
I sat down feeling stupid because well I was stupid for thinking Bella would be the same as any of the other girls I've been with. I felt my phone vibrate. I look down to it seeing that Bella was calling me. I ignored them throwing my phone to the other side of my the bathroom. "Y/N!" I heard Bella scream "I SWEAR I WILL BREAK THIS DOOR." She yelled, her voice sounded hurt a crack in it as if she was on the verge of crying. But even then my body felt numb. I had fallen in love with her I've been in love with her for months and I was stupid for doing so. I heard something slam on the floor making me jump then my door opening. I had locked my bathroom door as well. "Y/n? Can I come in?" I heard them say. I said nothing in response. I knew Bella was still waiting outside the door. We sat there for a few minutes simply silence." it's not what you think" she said breaking the suffering silence."Ohh right, like I haven't heard that before" I said my voice breaking."I'm not stupid Bella you know how many times I've been in the situation where it's not what it looks like?" I said. I heard Bella crying her head hitting the door. After a while I heard as Bella walked away. Not even 30 second's later she came back. I heard a sliding sound I looked down seeing Bella's phone unlocked. I got out of the bathtub grabbing the phone sliding my back down to the ground my back pressed against the door. I heard Bella dragging my chair back to the desk, I opened the messaging app on her phone. I saw the four pinned profiles, their parents, myself, and the heart with a girls name next to it. I opened their messages and read them to myself.
As I kept reading and reading I came to the realization that this person was a close friend, I felt stupid and insecure. I wanted to curl up and die on the spot. I slipped her phone back underneath the door. "Can I come in now?" Bella said her voice calmed down." mhm" I replied my voice falling apart Bella opened the door and I got up off the floor my head down feeling ashamed. "I understand y/n I really do, I wish you would've said something instead of over thinking and freaking out, I'm not mad at you or anything I know people have wronged you in the past I swear I'm not like those people okay?" Bella said grabbing my hand rubbing the front of it. "I'm sorry Bella I'm so sorry" I cried my legs wanting to give out. Bella hugged me and I cried into their arms "it's okay baby I promise" Bella said reassuring me. I tightened my grasp around Bella. "I'm sorry Bella" I said again. "Y/n stop apologizing please" they replied. We fell to the ground together Bella rocking me back and forth. Once I finished crying I looked at Bella. "God I'm so stupid." I said "no you were just scared. You've been in a situation of cheating too many times before I understand your point of view. And it's okay to be scared" Bella said calmly wiping my tears. She looked at me with a smile and kissed me softly. It caught me off guard my eyes darting up to Bella. They helped me get up and we walked to the couch I laid my head down on their chest as Bella brushed her hand through my hair.

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