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Sorry I haven't Updated in a while life's been fucking me over many panic attacks a lot of stress I'm going crazy so here's Bella's POV ofthe last chapter.

Bella POV:
Me: Me and y/n are gonna do something I'll text you later pookie 🥰
I texted my best friend before y/n came in the room her iron in hand I smiled, she walked over sitting down placing it on the coffee table to her left "I'm going to go grab some gum from my room" I said,  "alright" she replied with a smile. I walk to my room looking around for the pack of gum it had been tangled into the bed from it falling from my pocket when i slept last night. I walked back out sitting down. I offered a piece of gum to y/n which she declines confusing me since she usually said yes. I sat between her legs as she started curling my hair, I turned on southpark relaxing as she was curling my hair, after about 10 minutes my skin was met with the burning feeling of hot metal. "Ow fuck" I said putting my hand over the burn. "Sorry" she replied sounding monotone and flat, it was concerning but I ignored it. After she finished she simply got up unplugging the iron walking to her room slamming the door. I quickly got up and knocked on the door. The knocking got louder and more rapid the longer she didn't answer me. After what felt like forever she opened the door "Are you okay?" I asked worried. My phone vibrating in my pocket, I look at the message my best friend texted me again asking something.  Then y/n spoke "yeah I'm fine...bellie" she said. I realized what she thought was happening my heart dropped as she started closing the door. I tried stopping it but she got the door shut and locked before I could. I grabbed a coin to unlocked the door but when i did I couldn't open the door, "fuck she blocked it" I whispered to myself worried. I pulled out my phone calling y/n that just kept ringing until it went to voicemail. "Y/N I SWEAR I WILL BREAK THIS DOOR" I yelled my voice cracking from wanting to cry. I slammed my body against the door until the the chair blocking it fell down once it did I walked over to the bathroom door where y/n was "y/n can I come in?"I sit waiting clenched hands feeling nervous."it's not what you think" I said knowing she's heard that one too many times "ohh right like I haven't heard that before" y/n responded her voice breaking "I'm not stupid Bella you know how many times Ives been in the situation where it's not what it looks like?" she said again. Tears falling from my face as I cried hitting my head on the door I felt dumb I loved her I didn't want to lose her when I had just got her. I walk out to compose myself before walking back in unlocking my phone sliding it underneath the door for her to read through the messages herself. While she does I drag the chair on the floor back to the desk. After a few minutes I saw my phone sliding back underneath the door I pick it up "can I come in now?" I asked followed by a "mhm" from y/n her voice sounding completely broken. I opened the once locked door and watched as y/n got up off the floor looking down. "I understand y/n I really do, I wish you would've said something instead of thinking about it and freaking out. I'm not mad at you ot anything I swear I'm not like those people okay?" I told y/n grabbing her hand caressing it." I'm sorry Bella I'm so sorry" I pulled her into a hug "it's okay baby I promise" I said trying to comfort the crying girl in my arms. We sat down on the floor and I comforted her kissing her and wiping her tears telling her everything was okay

"You can stop apologizing y'know?" Bella said brushing their hand through my hair, "I'm sorry though" I replied with a sad tone. "Listen" Bella said grabbing my face making me look at them, my eyes puffy, they brushed my hair out of my face caressing my cheek, gazing into my eyes. "It's okay, I promise you everything is okay." I let myself fall into Bella's embrace.
"So stop apologizing" I looked at Bella. "Thank you Bella" I replied placing my hand atop of Bella's. "So much has happened this morning and it's not even noon" I said my crying turning into a laugh, Bella laughing along. "We should watch Catherine called birdy" I said, Bella looked at me confused "why would we watch that?" they asked cocking an eyebrow, "because your acting in it is so amazing, duh" I said acting as if they should've already known my answer. "I'm not going to rewatch my own movie, I've already seen it so many times" bella said. I rolled my eyes jokingly " then what are we to watch this morning." I asked."do you wanna go out?" Bella asked me."nooo" I said crawling closer to Bella."I wanna nap" I said" then do that I'll watch TV" Bella replied. I snuggled closer to Bella as they brushed their hand through my hair rubbing my back as I drifted off to sleep

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