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(Psa- My friend said I'm gay for writing this) 

Bella woke up groggy and tired she could barely sleep just thinking about what had happened not even 6 fucking hours ago." I almost kissed her? Right? No, I was simply holding her face cause that's what you do with the homies everyone does that totally." Bella thought to herself

"OF  COURSE YOU DON'T ALMOST KISS YOUR ROOMMATE STOP. "  Bella practically screamed to himself kicking themselve in the leg
"What if she doesn't even like me, what if im-" Bella was interrupted by the sound of a knock at her door. They stood up and walked over opening it to meet their eyes with y/n. Bella could've melted they saw y/n with a smile and a plate of food in hand. Y/n handed the plate to y/n Bella took it leaning on their door frame and started eating "Oh hey good morning y/n I could barely sleep last night thank you so much." Bella said happily but groggy sounding." Yeah me neither I just stayed up the rest of the night. I practiced makeup for the most part and by 5 I just said fuck it and just we'll made some food for us." y/n responded with

Y/n yawned and rubbed her eye she blinked a few times an looked at Bella who was simply staring at her in awe" Don't stare at me you weirdo. " y/n stated" oh like you do to me. " Bella laughed. Y/n got red in the face and punched Bella in the arm.
"I don't wanna go to work todayy" y/n said "hey let's just call say we're sick and spend the day together but not in our rooms together." Bella said walking over to the sink y/n following to put their plate in it and turned around and grabbed y/ns hand "you think they'll believe it?" y/n said "I don't know let's call and see put on a raspy voice alright?" Bella said pulling their phone out of their pockets and called the director.

"Oh sorry man me and y/n got something we can't come in today." Bella said in a raspy voice, y/n coughed as loud as she could to add dramatic effect "oh well I guess we'll do what we can today and we'll see you once you two feel better" he said
"Thank you so much I'm so sorry about this inconvenience" Bella said "yeah yeah get well soon" he responded and hung up the phone

Bella looked up and smiled at y/n "well looks like we have all day together"  y/n smiled back and walked over to the couch they sat on the couch together sharing a blanket their legs intertwined with one anothers. "So what do you want to watch hm?" y/n said to bella remote in hand "I don't care surprise me" Bella responded. "Alright" y/n then chose a romance comedy movie. As it was playing Bella stared at y/n

Bella reached over to y/n placing it underneath her chin and turning her head towards themselves they sat up a bit more rubbing their thumb against the side of her face y/n moved closer to bella, they stared at one another for what felt like forever basking in one another presence.  Slowly y/n got on top of Bella's lap, y/n put her hand around Bella's neck and Bella rested her hands one hand on y/ns thigh and the other on her waist. "Please don't be fucking with me" y/n said to bella. "Why would i do that to you?" bella responded with gripping onto y/ns thigh.

Lol cliffhanger

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