Chapter 22: Busy

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Y/N's POV:

This week has been really busy for Hailee. She's kept her promise of me always waking up next to her but there has been some late nights where I'll fall asleep in an empty bed waiting for her to come home.

It's now Thursday, and she's had interviews since Monday so it's been a process trying to adapt to me being alone all day. I'm honestly not sure how to occupy my time so I've been hitting the gym a lot and making content for my socials. I feel extremely blessed that my following on TikTok and Instagram has grown so much. I've surpassed a million followers on both platforms, and I'm sure some of that is because I'm dating Hailee but hey I'll take the clout haha. I've started collaborating with a handful of brands now, using my tik tok to promote their stuff and in return I get paid for it! I actually have a shoot coming up tomorrow for Lululemon and Gymshark for their new women's workout apparel and I could not be more excited. I think all my gym people know just how well their clothes feel when breaking a sweat in the gym. As my platform is growing I've decided to hire a manager for the time being for people to contact so that she can schedule things for me and access my availability and coach me on how this whole influencer thing works. The day passes by just like the others, I workout, make tik toks, eat, watch movies, make more tik toks, interact with fans and fall asleep waiting for Hailee to come home.

I wake up the next morning to Hailee playing with my hair.

"Morning baby, sorry I couldn't make it on time before you fell asleep. The interview ran late and the LA traffic was dreadful" She says getting up, no doubt to get ready to head out again. I know I said I could handle this life of hers but man is it hard. I miss her like all the time, and I just want her home with me. We text here and there but with her being on camera or driving it's hard to find time to communicate consistently.

"It's okay babe, I'm kinda used to it now" I say lightly laughing which causes her to pout in response.

"It won't be like this forever, It's normally crazy right after a release, or premiers and of course when I'm shooting a new project. But if it's me making music and I'm in the studio you're welcome to join me babe" She says, smiling.

"I know, it's okay. I actually have something to do today so hopefully the day will past by a lot faster now that I'm not just sitting here waiting for you to come home" I say, getting up to shower. I don't need to get ready because there's a makeup and outfit crew at the shoot but the place is like an hour away and I gotta get going soon.

"Oh that's right! You have a couple photo shoots today! That's exciting baby, how are you feeling?" She inquires.

"I feel pretty good. I adore both of the brands and I'm excited for the free merch they're going to give me to be honest. As for the modeling part of the photo shoot, I think I'm okay too. I've been working really hard on getting the body I want so I feel confident" I say honestly. It's true, I feel pretty confident in my skin which is so amazing to say considering how badly I struggled with my confidence before. I've come a long way and I'm super proud of myself.

"Good my love, you should feel confident. I mean have you seen yourself?" Hailee says, smirking at me and giving me this look in her eyes that I know all too well.

"Absolutely not Hailee, we both have to leave please don't look at me like that. We have no time for sex!" I say to her, avoiding her gaze and trying to gather my things to go

"Who said anything about sex?" She replies, walking towards me

"Your beautiful eyes did, you don't have to say anything I know what that look means. So go away, I need to leave I cannot be late babe" I say, backing up from her. Knowing damn well that if she kisses me we will in fact have sex because who can resist those eyes? Not to mention her body, and oh my God those lips... OKAY NO Y/N YOU NEED TO LEAVE.

College Life | Hailee SteinfeldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang