Chapter 34: Comfy

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Y/N's POV:

It's been a week since Hailee and I have made up after our fight. It's been better than ever if I'm being honest. We've been more playful, honest, and just overall in tune with one another. She knows what I'm thinking or feeling before I say it, she knows what I want to eat before I do and vice versa. It's like this fight was a blessing in disguise.

After we made up in New York, we went to Miami the day after and held out interview there. We met a ton of her fans, all super nice which I was a little skeptical about because I know like 90% of them want to date her and are in love with her, so they might think I'm stealing their woman, but they were all very kind, so it was great. The interview itself was awkward which was to be expected since her life is so public. Plus the pictures of her and Ella, me and Flo and just the overall time we had in New York was iffy so they had tons of questions that put me and Hailee on the spot.


Interviewer: "Soooo, Y/N. We saw some recent pictures of you and Flo getting cozy pretty much the whole time you were in New York. Here are some of you and her leaving a party together, you and her entering her hotel, you and her glammed up exploring New York City, you and her grabbing lunch and then this particular one that raises attention which is you leaving a restaurant and her holding you back by your hand. Care to elaborate? Considering you went to New York with your girlfriend Hailee but we didn't get any pics of you and her together as much as you and Flo".

Y/N: "Well, Flo is one of my closest friends in this industry, that's no secret. Friends grab lunch. Friends hangout. Friends do things together, like make memories and that's exactly what I was doing with Florence. Hailee and I are together every day, it's not a crime that we aren't attached at the hip, right? Flo and I decided to explore together, and I wanted to allow Hailee to spend time with her friends since they don't get to see each other as often as they all want. Flo and I spent a lot of time together, but I'll always come home to Hailee at the end of the day".

Interviewer: "I hear ya, Y/N and I agree. Just wanted to address it of course. However, Hailee... I've heard from a little birdie that you and Ella aren't exactly on the best of terms. So, care to explain these pictures of you and her leaving a party? No Y/N in sight?"

Hailee: "Haha. Well, where do I begin? Ella and I spent years together and we got close. We were on set so it was inevitable to not become best friends, we've been done with Dickinson for a while now and things happen. Life happens. Ella and I have grown apart, but we support and care for another. That picture is us outside saying bye at a party, and we posed and smiled for paparazzi. That's all there is to it".

Interviewer: "I see... I can see I'm not going to get much tea out of you two, but before we end this let's address one last picture. This was sent in from a source that wishes to remain anonymous; they've shared that you guys had a fight at a party. There was a third party involved, Y/N left upset, Hailee left upset, everyone was upset. And a picture confirming the struggles was shared: it's of you, Hailee, puffy eyed and sad as you walk into your hotel. What's the scoop on that?"

Y/N: "Listen, I get this is your job and you get paid to uncover things and grill celebrities about situations in their life. But that was clearly a hard time for Hailee and you blasting her emotions for a paycheck is real shitty of you. To answer your ridiculous question, just because Hailee is famous, doesn't mean she's not human. We all have bad days and she's allowed to have one too. Clearly this was a bad day and time for her; let's not bring it up so she has to relive it. And your anonymous source can eat shit. Hailee and I will always be okay at the end of the day, that's the scoop on that. Bitch".

*End Flashback*

Hahah, so yeah. It wasn't just awkward, I may have went overboard during the interview but hey, I'll do anything to protect my girl.

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