Chapter 23: Funny

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Hailee's POV:

I'm wrapping up my interview for today, it ended a lot earlier than I expected but that's great for me because the sooner I'm done the sooner I get to see my beautiful girlfriend. I get home shortly after, the traffic not as bad considering the building was close to my house. I showered and changed and spent some time on Instagram and Tiktok interacting with fans and watching some videos, one in particular caught my eye. I see a video, clearly paparazzi footage of Y/N and some girl getting into a car. They're prior conversation seeming very friendly. I smile to myself admiring how beautiful Y/N looks, I truly do hope her photoshoot went well and that this opens more opportunities for her. I don't think too much of it until I continue scrolling and see videos of yet again, Y/N and this girl hugging, eating lunch and smiling together. I laugh to myself, knowing exactly how this looks. I know how business works; I know how paparazzi and being in the public eye goes. They're trying to make it look like they're on a date and sure enough with the next video I see, it's headlines and captions of Y/N being a cheater, of me and Y/N being broken up only after a week together. I laugh again and shake my head; I've been in this business long enough to know a set up and false accusations when I see them. I know Y/N too, I know our love isn't something she would betray. Paparazzi take videos and photos of anyone, and the immediate assumption is that those two people are romantically involved, I don't buy it for one second. I'll believe something when I see it with my own two eyes, right in front of me. Not from tabloids, social media and not especially from paparazzi videos and claims. I continue to scroll past, but I do get an idea.

I begin to write a short note for Y/N, "I hope she was worth it" and lay it on the bed while I hide in the closet. Y/N wouldn't cheat on me, but this whole thing is hilarious to me, and I want to have some fun with it. We both need it after my absence this week. I hear Y/N pull into the driveway and shortly after I hear her footsteps come into the house. No doubt she's looking for me downstairs. I hear her approach the stairs, then the bedroom and her footsteps come to a halt when she reaches the bed. I peek out and see her pick up the note and read it, she's silent and I'm trying so hard to hold in my laughter. Her hand slowly falls, the note with it.

The next few moments definitely didn't go the way I expect, that's for sure.

Y/N's POV:

I read the note, my heart dropping. No way Hailee believes this bullshit, right? It was pictures and videos of literally nothing! We grabbed lunch, sure she rode with me, but it was nothing? Friends ride together, hug and get lunch all the time. Why is it the end of the world when I do it? What the actual fuck is going on. I begin to panic, reaching for my phone to call or text Hailee but when I reach down, in the corner of my eye I see her. Her hand over her mouth, her body slowly shaking. Is she laughing? IS THIS A JOKE?

I don't make it known that I saw her. Instead, I play into her little game. I thought about pretending to celebrate her leaving me and shocking her that way, but instead I do something that would affect her even more. I start crying.

I know Hailee is a fantastic actress, but damn I'm giving her a run for her money right now. My slow tears turning into full sobs now, I sell the theatrics and drop to my knees. Crying harder. I hear movement from behind me followed by an "Oh shit" from Hailee. She runs to my side, getting on her knees too. Her hands grabbing my face.

"Y/N stop, I was just kidding baby. I am so sorry; it was a joke. A stupid stupid joke. I'm so terrible, I'm sorry baby please don't cry. I know it was nothing. Please babe I'm sorry I just wanted to mess around with you" Hailee says fastly, panicking as she tries to pick my chin up to meet her eyes.

I decide that's enough of my performance and stop crying and begin laughing.

"HAHA YOU SHOULDVE SEEN YOUR FACE. I GOT YOU GOOD BABE" I say laughing in between my words and standing back to my feet. Hailee's facial expression changed from worried to confused real quick, which only made me laugh harder.

"What..." Is all she's able to get out, still clearly taken aback by my fake crying.

"You think you're the only one who can cry on command? I saw you hiding in the closet babe, I figured it was a joke and I mean two can play at this game" I say, smiling and giggling again.

"Babe... You're like really good at that, we gotta get you into the acting world fr" Hailee says, her confused expression becoming a soft smile now.

"I know right? I thought I did pretty good" I said patting myself on the back.

"Mmm you did great babe" Hailee said, pulling me in for a kiss. Which felt so nice, her lips so soft and welcoming.

We pull away shortly after, and she asks me about the shoot. I excitedly share with her my experience, the set-up, who I met, and I even was able to show her some pictures since they had emailed me.

"Holy fuck you look hot" She says, when I show her some pictures. Which in return makes me blush like an idiot. She continues on to talk about her experiences with photoshoots, and how she has one coming up and would love for me to join as well.

"Sooo. This girl, that you were with. I don't need to be worried right?" Hailee asks me softly, caressing my cheek. Her hazel eyes giving me a soft stare, making my body heat up.

I can't help but laugh to myself at her question, this perfect woman is asking me if she needs to be worried about someone else? "No baby, not about her or anyone else. You know you have my heart" I say, returning her soft smile and gaze.

"I know, I just like hearing you say it" Hailee says, giving me a smirk. She goes to get up, but I pull her back down onto the bed. "No no no, don't leave. I don't like having my name and pictures out with people unless it's associated with you. Let's shut these rumors down, okay?" I say to her. Pulling my phone out to take a picture. Hailee doesn't say anything in response she just listens and snuggles into my neck as we both lay down. I snap a picture of her face in my neck, then she moves her head to give me a kiss on the cheek and I take one of that too and then I take another of her just looking at me. I post it on Instagram and caption it: "Don't worry Hailee stans, I would never leave our girl 🥰 . In regard to the photos going around, you know how paparazzi can be. Olivia and I just met today on a special project we were both luckily to be on! Excited for y'all to see it, but let's never trust what photos and videos we see unless me or Hailee personally share and speak on the matter. I'm in love with this girl, we won't be going our separate ways anytime soon. With love, Y/N".

With that being shared, Hailee and I continue to laugh off how gullible people can be and spend the rest of the day enjoying each-others company; watching movies, cooking and of course... having sex.


Short update for now! Life has been busyyyy

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