Chapter 36: Bora Bora

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Y/N's POV:

The shock I felt when Hailee stepped aside to show me where we landed was like nothing I've ever felt before. I've felt important in the past, but never like this and it's the best feeling ever. It's like I've found my home, and it's her. It's Hailee Steinfeld.

Upon arrival and my lack of words due to the overwhelming emotions I was feeling, I stood frozen there at the steps of her private plane, but she swooped me off my feet and carried me all the way to our "room".

Needless to say, I was shocked yet again

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Needless to say, I was shocked yet again. It's like there's no limit with her, and she'll do whatever to make me smile. I am so in love with this woman.

"Soooo, how long we here for?" I ask her softly as I make my way to her from the comfiest king-sized bed in this beautiful hut.

"Five days baby" She replies with a smile and a soft kiss to my lips.

"But what about your work?" I rebuttal, admiring her backside as she shuffles around the room, placing our suitcases in a corner and organizing our belongings.

"My work can wait, my love. We needed time for just us. With everything that went on these past few weeks, it felt like we needed quality time. Don't you think?" She stops rearranging our belongings and turns her full attention to me, awaiting my answer as if she's now second guessing her surprise to bring me here.

"Yes! Of course. You know all I ever want is to just be with you; it doesn't matter what we do, as long as you're here next to me. I appreciate this surprise, baby. You're the most thoughtful person I know, I just never want to come in between you and your work, considering you love acting and singing" I say honestly, moving her hair from her shoulder to behind her back and glancing into her hazel eyes.

"It's adorable how concerned you are about my work, but babe, you aren't coming in between anything. I promise. Stop worrying about that, focus on us. On us being here right now and enjoy this okay?" She says a softly yet insistently, giving me the hint to drop it and enjoy our time here alone.

"Okay, I'll stop. Thank you again baby! What can we even do here?" I ask, opening the double doors of our hut to admire the fresh waters at our disposal.

"I actually have a bunch of stuff planned for us. Today we can decide what to do, I was thinking about taking advantage of the open ocean we have. Tonight we have a dinner planned and the rest of the days are surprises" She answers me, smirking.

"Swimming sounds like a fun idea, and I know better than to try and pry those surprises out of you so I'll just be patient and wait to find it out" I admit with a small giggle.

"That's my good girl. Now go get changed so we can swim" She instructs me, but I notice her demeanor change when she praises me for my behavior. She's turned on, and I want to see how far I can push her until she breaks.

"Get changed?" I ask her as I slowly strip out of my tank top, and lower my shorts, revealing my bra and thong. Her eyes watch my every movement, her pupils getting bigger and darker by the second. Her mouth parts slightly, as if she's wanting to moan or gasp at my bold movements. But she doesn't act on it, which is frustrating to say the least.

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