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Good morning and good evening guys!

I'm coming out with another book soon, and just wanted to give a little anticipation on this!

Y/n, trying to fight against her demons inside, makes the decision to go abroad and start her life from zero, due to all of her delusions in her hometown.

She focuses a lot on analyzing her own emotions, understanding some parts of her that she didn't even know existed somewhere hidden inside her. She's always been a very precise person, but here she starts paying attention to the smallest things.

A lot of things are about to happen in her life, to the point where she thinks is too much to handle, as in her previous lifestyle, nothing interesting would occur. Not used to this, she tries to take strength from everything that's around her, especially from an unexpected one.

Please give a lot of support and be ready for this!

BMongMong <3

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Update:18th August 2023

The story is almost complete! Sorry for being absent these months, but I've been very busy with working abroad and this story kind of drained me as it's very personal. I was a little bit hesitant if to punlish this or not, but then realize that it's more of good memories that I want to keep, and of course a plot twist. :D

I wanted to point out how this is a very heavy rappresentation of emotions, Y/n is not only finding out what "love" means, but also all the other emotions.

I'll  publish it in two times! By the end of next week I should be able to publish all the chapters!

!!!!!ALERT: there could some mature content, by the end of the book, anyway at the beginning of those chapters I'll advise you guys, so if you don't want to read you can skip!!!!!

Since this is a very personal book, please don't hate on this :(

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