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That's how our first date started, followed by countless others that I lost track of. 

Each day brings me closer to the man of my dreams, and all the fantasies I had imagined are becoming a reality: we explore new places together, engage in meaningful conversations, and create cherished memories. 

Recently, I was overjoyed when he affectionately called me "My little alien" with his soothing voice. 

With each passing moment in this blossoming relationship, new emotions surge within me as I fully embrace the sheer joy and excitement it brings. 

It's no longer just a friendship; can this be defined as true romance? 

These doubts evaporated during our last date where he took me to gaze at the stars from atop a rooftop. 

As we lay there under the night sky hand-in-hand, it became undeniable that our connection runs much deeper than mere friendship. 

Softly looking into my eyes he calls out my name "Y/n"

I look into his eyes, captivated by their intensity, his loving gaze conveys a deep devotion and unwavering dedication to our connection. 

The moment of silent communication between us speaks volumes about the profound bond we share, intertwining our souls in harmonious unity. 

As a gentle breeze brushes against my skin, I feel goosebumps forming, adding an enchanting special aura to this moment. 

Slowly, he reaches out with tender fingers to touch the exquisite jewel he gifted me, a proud and adoring gleam fills his eyes as a luxurious smile graces his face; it is a sight that melts my heart in pure bliss. 

A delightful knot tingles within my stomach as anticipation starts building up inside me. 

Though I try to remain composed, impatience begins simmering beneath the surface. 

He gently places his right hand on my left cheek and softly caresses it with his thumb before sweeping aside strands of hair from my blushing cheeks, revealing the expression of delight that colors them rosy pink.

Not letting go of the gentle grip of my hair in his hand, he moves closer, his breath caressing my skin as he softly asks, "May I kiss you, Y/n?" He leans in once more and repeats the question
"Can I?"

I simply nod at him, my heart pulsing with anticipation. 

A whirlwind of emotions consumes me, leaving me momentarily speechless, my senses tingle as a surge of exhilaration and vulnerability washes over me. 

At this moment, I am both overwhelmed and captivated, his gaze fixates on my lips before he leans in slowly, gently capturing them with his own in an impassioned kiss. 

Butterflies flutter within the depths of my stomach as he intensifies the connection between us and the world around us fades away into oblivion, while his other hand delicately encircles my waist, drawing me nearer to him. 

In response to this intimate embrace, I arch my back allowing myself to completely surrender to the profound emotions that envelop every inch of my being.

And that's how I explained what happened to my Friend Jennie when she came here for her trip, which she decided to extend a little bit longer.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA REALLY Y/N?" she shouts excited by the cute yet mature scenario.

"Shhhhh don't shout?! My neighbors are going to kick me out of my own house if I wake them up?!"

My little alien - JJKWhere stories live. Discover now