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"WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Lisa expressed her frustration over the phone as I lay on my bed, exhausted after a long day at work. 

"Yes, I have to admit he is quite handsome and charming," I confided, struggling to contain my emotions "but it is completely unacceptable for him to reappear out of nowhere after disappearing for such a long time as if nothing happened!" 

The humiliation from tonight's encounter resurfaces and anger starts building within me. 

The feelings that consumed me at that moment are difficult to put into words: defeat, powerlessness, insignificance compared to this imposing figure before me. 

Despite feeling intimidated by his presence, there was also a part of me determined not show any vulnerability or let him see how deeply affected I truly was. 

Unfortunately, no matter how much I wanted to speak up assertively at that moment, the right words failed to escape my lips. 

As he walked away without glancing back before getting into his sleek black car an overwhelming surge of frustration washed over me.

"You should have stopped him and told him!! He gave you his business card, right? Text him immediately and tell him how you feel! He needs to learn a lesson as well" She sounds more frustrated than I am, but I appreciate this side of her. 

Since Rosè had to go back home and Jisoo quit the job, we have become closer. She also moved nearer to me, so now we live just five minutes apart. 

"I think that if I text him, it will give him the satisfaction of winning. I believe it's best not to show any interest in him" I say calmly, even though a part of me is tempted to stir up drama. 

"Oh right...AAAA THIS IS FRUSRTATING! Even when we want to show other people our feelings, I feel like we'll always lose..." Lisa reflects softly; she may also be referring to her own recent experiences.

"Oh right! I recently received a text from Jennie," I inform her, my voice resonating with excitement. 

"Jennie? Ah yes, the mutual friend of you and Rosè," she recalls. 

"Yes! She will be visiting for a vacation next week!! And of course, I need to introduce you to her. Jennie is such a fun and lively person, I know you two will get along great."


Jennie and I have developed a strong bond over the course of our year-long friendship. 

Our constant communication allows us to share every aspect of our lives, including both mundane details and significant experiences. 

Whether it's gossiping about my latest trip or navigating through a range of emotions during my journey, Jennie is always there to lend an empathetic ear. 

She has witnessed firsthand both my achievements and setbacks, understands the depth of my aspirations, and consistently provides invaluable support and motivation.

The range of emotions I experienced upon my arrival here in December, included fear and regret;

The feelings of insecurity and a lack of confidence during the initial months when I had to handle everything on my own; 

Moments of frustration as I witnessed how effortlessly my friends adapted while I relied solely on myself;

The occasional sense of loneliness accompanied me in this new environment without any familiar faces; 

It would be remiss not to mention the internal conflicts and uncertainties that plagued me at times throughout this journey, alongside various personal experiences such as Jungkook's influence.

Most importantly, she understands the joy I experienced when pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and embarking on this journey;

She also recognizes the sense of fulfillment I derived from learning new things at work and successfully mastering them;

She acknowledges that the individuals I have formed strong connections with here have become like family to me;

Moreover, she appreciates how this experience has allowed me to develop a newfound love for myself.

And of course, when I told her about my encounter with Jungkook I couldn't imagine a more iconic reaction:

"That little ****! how dare he show up and act all nonchalant after what he did to you! I swear Y/n you have to show this ******* that he cannot mess with you anymore. This little *******, I swear I'll **********-"


She has always had a remarkable ability to make me laugh and put me at ease. 

I admire her strong character, which stands in contrast to my own as I continue to grow and assert myself in challenging situations. 

She has been a supportive presence for me, providing unwavering support when needed. 

I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to meet up with her and spend time together.

I prepare myself for another day at work, my mind still consumed by the encounter with Jungkook. 

Upon arriving, I notice Lisa already present and busy cleaning some equipment. 

She greets me with a smirk on her face. "Hello Y/n" she says in an intriguing tone. 

Exhibiting curiosity, I raise an eyebrow and respond, "Hello to you too. What's going on?" 

"I was sweeping the floor when I stumbled upon this" she reveals as she holds up a small, shiny object, it is a silver necklace adorned with a delicate pendant.

 "Oh, this must be what Jungkook was playing around with last night; he probably dropped it"

I speculate while inspecting the intricate design of the necklace closely. The pendant hanging from it exhibits fine detailing and adds to its beauty. 

As our eyes meet again, Lisa's mischievous gaze conveys something beyond words tempting me further. 

"No, I won't do that" I say already anticipating what's on her mind.

Her eyes darken slightly, betraying a mischievous glimmer as she leans in closer to me. 

"Come on, Y/n" she says enticingly.

"I said no! I'm never going to-"

"UGH I hate you Lisa" I growl as I'm standing next to her and preparing a text message to send to the private phone number on his business card that he gave me.

"Oh shut up, you also know that you want this- be careful, write this word down correctly" she says pointing at a word that I misspelled.

"Dear Mr Jeon Jungkook,

last night you came here at our restaurant for dinner, 
as we were cleaning, we've found this necklace on the floor right underneath the chair you sat on.

Could this be yours by any chance? I attached to this message a picture of it.

We'll wait patiently for your response.

Best regards"

"Oh come on Y/n, you sound like a secretary trying to organize the schedule for her boss. Be more friendly!!" Lisa scolds me.

"How can I be? Do I need to remind you what he did-"

Before I could send the message, my attention is captured by a commanding and impressive figure entering through the entrance.

"Sorry for interrupting, is it possible that I left my necklace here?"

My little alien - JJKWhere stories live. Discover now