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"Lisa! I have great news! My boss wants to hire you!" Rosè exclaims as we chew down on our steamy dinner. "

What?! Really?!" Lisa seems elated, and her excitement is infectious. However, instead of feeling happy for my friend, disappointment grows inside me like a persistent ache. 

The anxiety sitting inside me grows with every passing second as I wait patiently for Rosè to say my name too.

 "Yes, they want you to start next week because they're in a hurry," Rosè starts explaining all the details about Lisa's job offer without even acknowledging my existence. 

As much as I'm thrilled for Lisa and proud of her success, this situation leaves me feeling left out and overlooked - an anxious ball of nerves waiting desperately for some recognition myself.

It feels unfair that despite arriving in this country before Lisa and having more experience in the catering sector, I am not recognized for my hard work. 

Throughout my life, I have faced numerous challenges and overcome difficult situations to gain invaluable skills. From working part-time jobs such as summer camp worker, babysitting, and dog-sitting while studying in high school to enduring a horrific experience at a hotel during the summer season back home - each of these experiences has taught me something new. 

Working from the bottom up at that hotel allowed me to learn different aspects of running an establishment efficiently. 

Starting as a dishwasher moving on to become a cleaning lady on higher floors then finally making it into the kitchen as an assistant and ultimately becoming a waitress made me realize how much potential lay dormant within me all along. 

With endless energy fueling every move I made - always willing to lend help where necessary - it was no surprise when management decided one person could handle everything because they knew they had found someone fast-working with exceptional multitasking skills.

As I reflect on my recent behavior, a profound realization dawns upon me. Instead of only criticizing Lisa and Rosè for their actions, I should also acknowledge the complexities underlying each situation. 

For instance, with Rosè's demanding work schedule, it isn't fair or reasonable for me to expect her constant companionship. Rather than feeling self-centered and resentful towards her absence in my life, I need to understand that work holds great importance and take pride in supporting her ambitions. 

Similarly, while house hunting has been an incredibly stressful process for me recently, recognizing that Lisa approaches things differently can allow me to gain some perspective. Perhaps she prioritizes a more laid-back attitude when tackling challenges like these - which is entirely valid. 

Ultimately expanding my understanding and acknowledging the nuances within relationships will undoubtedly lead us all down a path of greater compassion and empathy towards one another.

The realization that both of my friends have a habit of being late to our meet-ups has led me to acknowledge the fact that we still have an entire year ahead of us to spend time together. Therefore, even if someone is delayed by 30 minutes, it's not something catastrophic as unforeseen events can happen and cause delays. 

Furthermore, I've come to realize that my friends sometimes treat me like a child and patronize me in certain situations. Instead of letting this affect our friendship negatively, I finally understand they may be worried about my lack of social or romantic experience compared to theirs - after all, one never knows what might occur when meeting new people. 

Lastly, instead of feeling envious towards Lisa for landing her dream job role; as a good friend should do - I want nothing more than celebrate her success wholeheartedly. Friends should always support each other and celebrate each other's successes and accomplishments.

As I list inside my head all these negative aspects that have gone through my mind during these weeks, I start to feel overwhelmingly guilty. This feeling of unfairness and selfishness hits me hard as I realize the pettiness of my thoughts. 

"I'm so happy for you Lisa! You made it!" I say genuinely, trying to make up for my previous negativity.

"Thanks Y/n! Now it's your turn!!" She shouts, putting her arm around my shoulder. 

This warm and comforting touch makes me feel happy and safe, erasing all the previous loneliness that I felt. 

Lisa and Rosè are not just nice girls; they have become amazing friends who make me feel at home in this foreign land we are exploring together without our families. 

This warm hug makes me suddenly remind also the good memories that we had in just a few weeks, blaming my brain for fogging out these beautiful moments and making come to light only my bad feelings about these two lovely girls. 

Laughing, experiencing new places together, and sharing ridiculous gossip and inside jokes. 

As these beautiful moments flood back into my mind, I can't help but feel grateful for having such wonderful friends who turned an unfamiliar place into a home away from home. A warm sensation rises within me – one of pure happiness and safety with them by my side.

My little alien - JJKWhere stories live. Discover now