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"Don't worry Y/n, I'll come and get you with your luggages and everything. Since I have a car, it would be my pleasure to assist you in your move." Francis assures me over the phone. 

I hesitate for a moment, not wanting to impose on him. 

"Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you...I could easily take the subway," I offer, Francis's voice is filled with genuine concern as he replies. 

"Don't worry Y/n, helping you out brings me joy. Besides, it warms my heart knowing that you've found such an ideal place near our workplace." A sense of gratitude washes over me as his words sink in. 

"Yes! It's only a short 20-minute walk from the restaurant!" With overwhelming appreciation for Francis's kindness and willingness to lend a hand during this transition period, we quickly turn plans into action. 

True to his word, Francis shows up at the agreed upon time with his car ready to make moving hassle-free. In no time at all, furniture and boxes find their new home.

As I sat there, my hands trembling with a mixture of nerves and excitement, I eagerly dialed my mom's number for a much-anticipated video call. 

The anticipation grew as the ringing went on and on; it felt like time was standing still in those moments before she answered. 

"Hi honey, how are- wait. Where are you?" Finally, her face appeared on the screen and I couldn't help but notice how her sweet tone quickly shifted to surprise mixed with concern upon seeing an unfamiliar background behind me. 

In an attempt to ease any worries or doubts she might have had, I reassured her with a smile that everything was alright. 

 We locked eyes through the screen, seconds ticking away in silence filled only by our shared expectation. And then finally...I couldn't contain myself any longer. With every ounce of eagerness bubbling within me, words escaped from my lips: "Guess what, Mom?"

Without saying a word, my mother nods and motions for me to continue. 

The smile on my face quickly transforms into a pained expression as I struggle to hold back tears. My mouth turns downward as the weight of my emotions becomes overwhelming and tears begin to pool in my eyes. My chin quivers under the burden of it all. 

"I did it, mom...I found a house all by myself," I manage to say through whispered laments, seeking reassurance with each affirmation uttered. 

In that moment, joy washes over my mother's face and her own eyes fill with tears too. 

"You did an incredible job, baby. Don't cry...I know how challenging this journey has been for you but I am so proud. I've always believed in your ability to overcome any obstacle life throws your way." Her voice trembles slightly as she gazes at me lovingly through teary eyes.

After taking some time to compose myself and attend to any unfinished tasks, I decided it was time to lie down on my brand new bed. 

It had been a challenging few months with countless sleepless nights, but now I held onto the hope that tonight would be different - that finally, I could experience the heavenly rest that had eluded me for so long. The next morning greeted me with an incredible sense of refreshment and revitalization. 

As I stretched my body, each muscle seemed to elongate effortlessly while a few gentle pops emanated from my bones. A wave of pure relaxation coursed through me from head to toe. 

In this moment, as I gazed around my newly organized room in my recently acquired apartment, familiar sights met my eyes. Everything was perfectly arranged; neatly set within their designated spaces. 

This scene evoked an overwhelming feeling of calmness and tranquility enveloped me. 

With great satisfaction, I slowly rose up into a seated position admiring the warm ambiance surrounding me - fully aware that at last, after all these struggles and challenges, there lay before me a sanctuary where true rest awaited.

As I make my way to the bathroom, a sense of excitement and happiness fills me. 

I can't help but notice the difference in my routine as I realize that something wonderful has happened - I forgot to close the door!

A genuine and almost creepy smile spreads across my face because, for the first time in months, I have this amazing feeling of having my own space where there are no boundaries or restrictions. 

With this newfound freedom, an immense wave of joy washes over me knowing that from now on, it's all about doing things exactly how I want them done without any constraints holding me back.

As I prepare for work, my first task is to set the destination on my phone's map application - a restaurant where today I share the same shifts as Lisa and Jisoo. 

I can't wait to share with them all about my fantastic experience from the first night at my new apartment. Having finally found a place of my own, I couldn't be happier. 

Stepping outside, the weather forecast app on my phone predicts an incredibly beautiful and sunny day ahead. 

This news adds even more excitement to an already cheerful mood.

As if it was not enough, inspired by Lisa's success in finding men easily, I decided it might be worth giving online dating a try as well. 

Of course, what sets me apart is that instead of casual dating experiences, I am seeking something much more meaningful and long-term. Nevertheless, there's no reason why this shouldn't be possible too.

Feeling uncertain about the new app, I gradually begin to grasp its functionality, matching with various individuals and quickly realizing whether our interests align or if we have fundamentally different perspectives. 

Experiencing an initial burst of hope and anticipation, these emotions swiftly give way as soon as their requests appear: 

"Would you like to come over?", "Do you want to meet my cat?", "I'm looking for someone to drink with, are you interested?", "Wanna Netflix and chill?" And the list goes on indefinitely.

"Girls, guess who moved out yesterday?" I enthusiastically announce to Lisa and Jisoo, unable to contain my excitement. 

"No way!! You finally did it!" Jisoo exclaims with gleaming eyes. 

Lisa's expression changes suddenly; I can sense a tinge of disappointment coming from her. 

"I'm truly happy for you Y/n," she says cheerfully but with a hint of sadness in her voice. 

Perhaps she's upset because I didn't inform her first? Or maybe it's because we were supposed to move in together? I'm not sure. However, there seems to be something troubling her that I can perceive.


...I don't care.

My little alien - JJKWhere stories live. Discover now