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The room falls silent and I become aware of my open mouth when I glance at Lisa, who also quickly closes her own. 

Anticipating what she is about to say next, a knot forms in my stomach. 

"Y/n, could you kindly handle this for me? I have some other matters to attend to" she requests with a pleasant smile. 

Although her outward demeanor may seem sweet, it's clear that her intentions are far from genuine. 

Without waiting for my response, she swiftly retreats to the back of the restaurant under the pretense of attending to some duties.

"So, did you find it here?" his warm voice breaks the silence as I shift my focus to him. 

"Yes, is this the one? Ehm...I mean, is this what you were looking for?" I stumble on my words nervously, noticing my lack of respect and avoiding eye contact as I show him the necklace. 

"Oh yes, that's it. I apologize for coming over without calling first; I was just a bit concerned" he chuckles softly with genuine concern in his eyes.

He carefully takes hold of the exquisite object and examines it closely, ensuring that every detail is flawlessly in place. 

A mix of anticipation, trepidation, and exhilaration floods over me all at once. 

My palms become moist with perspiration, my heart rhythm quickens, and I experience that peculiar sensation of butterflies fluttering in my nervous stomach. 

I find myself standing before the gentleman who ignited within me a profound appreciation for the allure of words. 

Through his storytelling brilliance, he transported me to imaginary realms where fantasies wove seamlessly into reality, creating narratives so vivid they seemed destined to unfold before my very eyes.

The atmosphere is filled with an uncomfortable quietness, creating a sense of unease. 

I scan my surroundings in search of a suitable topic of conversation, but nothing comes to mind. Unexpectedly, he breaks the silence and catches me off guard. 

"May I ask when your shift starts?" he inquires as our eyes meet. 

I take a moment to process his question before responding, "In 20 minutes."

 Uncertain about the motive behind his inquiry, I am unable to anticipate what will follow next.

"Do you mind if we sit outside and chat for a while?"

The invitation had taken me by surprise, but I graciously accepted his offer, leading him towards our table on the terrace directly outside of the restaurant. 

As we take our seats, I feel a sense of anticipation and my stomach flutters with excitement. 

In contrast, he appears calm and composed as if completely at ease in this setting.

"So...how have you been?" he nonchalantly asks.

My frustration and disappointment became apparent on my face, which suddenly contorted with anger, revealing bared teeth and a curled lip. My expression was hostile as I fixed him with a glaring stare. 

"So this is what you have to say after all of this?" I said in a composed yet firm tone. 

"I'm sorry Y/n... some unexpected things came up. It has been difficult for me too" he responded apologetically. 

"Oh really? Was it also difficult for you to decide whether or not you wanted to meet me? Was it difficult to abruptly stop texting and disappear without any explanation, making the past few months seem insignificant? I know we may have never met in person, words hold power and trust can be easily built when treated with respect. Did none of this cross your mind? Was this all difficult?!" With growing frustration, I realized that my voice had unintentionally become slightly louder as I directed these questions at him.

"Yes, Y/n. Everything was difficult" he calmly states, maintaining intense eye contact without so much as a blink, his unwavering resolve both impresses and intimidates me. 

There is an authenticity in his tone that suggests he could elaborate on the hardships he faced during this difficult period.

"I was supposed to give this to you last night, but while I was playing with it it fell from my hands and I couldn't find it anymore" With sincere regret, he explains the situation before presenting me with the stunning piece of jewelry. 

Without saying a word, he moves closer to me and delicately places it around my neck.

Understanding his intention, I swiftly gather up my hair in one hand to ensure that the necklace is properly secured. 

As he fastens it, his eyes show genuine sincerity and remorse. 

His touch is so gentle; his fingertips graze against my skin causing every hair on my body to stand on end. 

Sensing an indescribable emotion welling within me, I subtly arch my back while remaining still between his arms until he finishes placing the jewel.

The man steps back momentarily, to admire how beautifully it adorns me.


My face reddens as I come to realize the gravity of the situation. 

Avoiding direct eye contact, I notice his hands slightly trembling and detect a hint of nervousness beneath his seemingly confident actions. 

My heart races uncontrollably, causing me to feel as though I am holding my breath and struggling for proper respiration. 

Summoning courage, I meet his gaze only to witness a softening in his eyes which is complemented by a warm and gentle smile that sets my fluttering heart into motion. 

I experience an odd amalgamation of emotions; excitement intertwined with vulnerability. 

Despite everything that has happened, there is an inexplicable desire within me to surrender myself into his embrace and be enveloped tightly in his arms. 

Part of me still yearns to believe him amidst it all.

"Sorry for disturbing you, you're clearly disturbed by all of this" He lets out a light chuckle, gently scratching the back of his neck. 

Pausing momentarily, he searches for the right words to convey his emotions. 

However, it's evident that something has caught him off guard as he abruptly stops speaking.

"Well, have a pleasant day at work Y/n" he elegantly says, turning around and gazing down at the ground with an air of surrender. 

"Wait!" I call out urgently. 

He stops in his tracks and slowly turns only his head to face me again, surprise and anticipation etched across his expression, his back tense up.

"Um... Um... thank you for the necklace" I stammer nervously, my voice barely above a whisper.

It dawns on me that this wasn't the actual reason I reached out to him. 

"No need to worry, it looks utterly captivating on you" 

I clear my throat in an attempt not to appear flustered by his compliment while gathering my thoughts before continuing. 

Nervously playing with my fingers draws attention from him, and without hesitation, he turns fully towards me. 

"What's wrong Y/n?" he asks softly with genuine concern lacing every word uttered. 

"Can we perhaps start anew?"

My little alien - JJKWhere stories live. Discover now