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"Wait Y/n!" I come to a halt in my tracks as he firmly grips my forearm. 

"Y/n...talk to me..." I turn around, listening to his weakened voice.

His fair complexion shimmers beneath his teary eyes which appear shattered into countless fragments, as he desperately seeks an explanation, his reddened nose quivers, hinting at the emotions he struggles to suppress, his chin trembles alongside the corners of his lips as he fights for composure. 

"I-I..." Words elude me; confusion mirrors his own expression. 

I realize that fear is controlling my speech instead of reason. 

In that poignant moment, overwhelming waves of emotion engulf me and diminish any coherent thoughts I may have had, prompting me to reach out and take hold of his hand. 

It radiates warmth and vulnerability, at once, I comprehend love's capacity to transcend our fears and dismantle barriers.

A soft whimper escaped from deep within my chest, expressing the pain I felt. 

He tightened his grip around my hand as he pulled me close into a comforting embrace. 

"Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked with tears streaming down his own face. 

"I'm...I'm sorry," I managed to utter between sobs. "I'm so sorry...sorry..." 

"Shh...It's fine"

In that moment, tears welled up in my eyes and cascaded down my cheeks. I emitted another soft sigh of pain emanating from deep within me.

"I-I'm sorry... so sorry," I stammered between heavy breaths. "I didn't mean to... to hurt you."

"Just tell me please...don't leave me like this" he interjected gently, comforting me with the gentle stroke of his hand on my back. 

His heartfelt words pierced through the depths of my being and resonated deeply within me, they conveyed both anguish and sincerity simultaneously. 

In that crucial moment, I came to recognize the significance of emotional vulnerability and open communication for nurturing a strong relationship.

"I'm just scared Jungkook"

I said as I released myself from the hug, meeting his gaze with determination. His eyes were filled with a mix of curiosity and worry, their redness revealing the depth of his emotions

"I...I just got very close to you...stereotypes lately have been killing me hearing stories from other girls that have been cheated and lied on by their man a-and I was afraid..."

He retreats a few paces and regards me with a blend of astonishment and emotional distress evident on his countenance.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't want to accuse you of anything!!"

I observe him walking towards the sofa, gripping his phone tightly. 

He turns around, his face displaying a complex mix of pain, disappointment, and frustration.

"Here" he says curtly as he tosses the phone in my direction. 

It lands with a thud on the floor and slides across the room until it reaches my feet. 

"If this is what you're after, then there you have it" he asserts angrily. "Go ahead and check that phone, Y/n. Check for yourself if I'm just like all the other assholes that ust go around to fuck some random girls" 

His words drip with rage and resentment; any trace of previous tears has dissipated as his eyes now appear dry while delivering these accusations. 

"I-" I stammer but am abruptly interrupted by him cutting me off. 

My little alien - JJKWhere stories live. Discover now