30 1 7

"Ok girls, are you ready for tonight?!" Lisa asks with an overwhelming sense of excitement for the new year's party. 

"Yes girls, let's meet after dinner and we'll get ready together!" Rosè responds enthusiastically, eager to start the festivities. 

As I read these messages on our group chat, a wave of excitement rushes through me. The thought of getting all dolled up and ringing in the new year with my new friends has me bursting at the seams with anticipation.

It's been a while since I last went to a party, and it feels like my life in my hometown has gradually become mundane and repetitive. 

Each passing month only worsens the situation, leaving me feeling trapped in a vicious cycle of going back and forth between home and work. As I struggled with serious depression and anxiety attacks, taking care of myself seems almost impossible. 

But tonight is different - it offers an opportunity for me to surrender to happiness instead of dwelling on negativity. I remind myself that maintaining good mental health is just as crucial as any other aspect of my well-being. 

So tonight, I am determined to break free from this unending monotony by dressing up elegantly, letting loose all inhibitions to dance away till dawn breaks, this would help me forget all about living miserably for years playing a role that eventually took over entirely, making it part of my personality.

I deserve to have fun and enjoy life, right?

As I look in the mirror, my excitement builds and I feel more attractive than ever before. The loose waves in my hair give me a sultry vibe that will surely turn heads tonight. 

As I apply liner to my eyelid, creating a wing that elongates my eye, it makes me even more captivating, the bold red lipstick completes the effect perfectly. 

Stepping back to admire myself in the mirror fills me with confidence and empowerment - being here has helped boost how comfortable I am with how I look. 

Imagining Lisa and Rosè's stunning appearances only adds to this feeling of excitement. 

Of course, another thrilling aspect of tonight is going to be meeting new boys! "Don't worry Y/n, we'll find you someone nice at the party!" Lisa told me earlier when we were discussing our dating experiences and my obviously inexistent ones.

"Are you sure girls it's going to be fine? I mean, it's not the first time I've been to a party, but it's been a long time. I'm feeling quite uneasy and my nerves are starting to get the best of me..." My previous confidence suddenly disappeared and was replaced with fear. 

"Oh don't worry Y/n, you'll be with us! We won't abandon you. If you ever need help or feel uncomfortable just tell us." Lisa puts her hand on my shoulder which immediately makes me feel more at ease. Her warm touch sends an immediate surge of comfort through my body. 

As we enter the location, a bodyguard asks for our documents and checks our age making us realize that this party is much more serious than we had thought. 

Walking down narrow stairs towards louder music only intensifies my nervousness causing my heart rate to increase rapidly with each step we take.

"Wow, girls! It's jam-packed with people here," Rosè exclaimed over the blaring music. 

I couldn't help but look around nervously at all of these individuals crammed into this relatively small space. 

"Let's go get some drinks, girls," Lisa suggested. I found it to be a great idea as my nerves were getting the best of me.

As I leisurely sip down my fourth drink, I am absolutely thrilled by the lively atmosphere of this nightclub. The enchanting dim lighting, the heart-pumping music, and the bustling crowds make me feel at ease in a way that's hard to describe. 

As I sway with the rhythm of each song along with my girls, an intense feeling of excitement takes over. 

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Lisa is approached by a boy! Rosè and I urge her on as we dance together- cheering for her to let loose and enjoy herself.

Upon further observation of the scene, a sudden realization dawns upon me - the young boy's gaze fixates more on Lisa's chest rather than her eyes. 

Disgust washes over me as I also witness another man approaching Rosè with intentions that appear similar to those of Lisa's admirer. Despite Rosè's radiant smile, I cannot shake off my revulsion towards these inappropriate and unsettling behaviors.

As I observe, both of the girls seem to be thoroughly enjoying this lively atmosphere. Consequently, I decide to make my way toward the drinks section and request another drink for myself, meanwhile, I leave my friends to revel in their so-called "fun".

"Two gin tonics, please" a low voice starts right before I was about to order.

I turn around to find a young man who stands slightly taller than me, his soft and fluffy hair swaying with the rhythm of the music. 

His plump lips curl up into a gentle smile, revealing perfectly aligned pearly white teeth that make him even more attractive. I am captivated by his dark eyes that seem to draw me in deeper. 

Despite being distracted by his charming appearance, I manage to keep my composure and hand over two gin tonics as requested. 

As he takes one from me, our fingers brush against each other causing a gently electric spark between us. 

Suddenly, his other hand finds its way onto my waist creating pleasurable sensations within me.

I can't resist but to keep gazing into his deeply alluring pupils, as he traces my spine with his tantalizing fingertips. 

His touch is so exquisite and luxurious that it sends shivers of pleasure throughout my entire body, leaving me feeling unbelievably light.

Is this the type of pleasure Lisa and Rosè are experiencing? It's only now that I truly comprehend the meaning of "attraction" and acknowledge its power.

My little alien - JJKWhere stories live. Discover now