Chapter one

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Frankie's POV:

It had been a while since my last acting gig. Partly due to my accident.

A-few months ago I was filming on a tv show and an on set accident led to me having to have my leg amputated, but that's not important right now.

My mum was ecstatic when she got the call that I booked the role. As she always was.

It was nice to see her happy for once, to know she didn't think of me as the disappointment she usually does.

This was one of the biggest roles I had ever had. I was still in shock that I had even booked it.

I had landed the lead role in a movie directed by Taylor Swift!!! Words would not describe how I was feeling.

I was also absolutely sick to my stomach with nerves, what do you even say to someone like Taylor?

My mum, to absolutely no one's surprise, pulled me out of my daydreams.

"You will be on your best behaviour Francesca. This role is massive for our experience." She said, glaring at me.

"Ours?" I said, questioning her, also not giving her the reaction she wanted out of me for calling me Francesca not Frankie, my much much preferred nickname.

"Yours, you know what I meant." She said, pulling into the parking lot of the set.

"Mmhm." I said under my breath.

Acting was always my mums dream, not mine. I mean, i loved it and was good at it, but it was never my path to choose to go down.

It was the reason we moved from England to LA when I was 10. The reason for everything that had ever happened in my life.

We had never been particularly close. I practically raised myself, she was always down at some club or pub, or at one of her numerous boyfriends houses.

However, when i lost my leg was when the real strain was put on our relationship. The accident obviously got a lot of media coverage, but simultaneously my character was killed off due to my being in the hospital for such a long time.

That's why she was so extremely excited when I booked this job.

I checked my watch, it was 11:02, time for me to go in.

I got out of the car without even saying goodbye to my mum, and walked off to the main entrance of the set.

I walked with an slight limp as I was still getting used to having a prosthetic leg. It wasn't glaringly obvious, but obvious enough that I felt self conscious about it.

Once in the doors of the building, I signed myself in.

The first two hours of today were blocked into the timeline as "welcome!" While i has no idea what that meant I was eager to find out.

The lady at the desk who I assumed was the intern or assistant of someone pointed me in the direction of where i was heading.

As I walked down the hall I heard a buzz of chatter get louder and louder, sure enough when I reached the noise it was coming from the "recreation room" which was where I was going.

I pushed open the door to see twenty odd people inside, all scattered across this big hall.

It was a mix of boys and girls my age and I assumed more would be coming in as this activity wasn't supposed to start until 11:30 and it was now only 11:08.

There was chairs scattered across the edge of the room, so i made my way over to one and sat down, waking even small distances was exhausting still, and I didn't want to push myself too far, especially on the first day on set.

I'll give you my sunshineМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя