Chapter 13

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*two days later- Friday*

Frankie's POV:

It was 4:17 am. I was lying in my bed, my head sandwiched between two pillows as i tired to drown out the sounds of my mum screaming at whatever man she had brought home that night.

It had been nonstop arguing since 1 in the morning, directly after everyone who had been at mums party last night had ended. I was tired. I was sick of it. I just wanted to sleep.

In my tired state. Tears were rolling down my face, making a soggy patch on the pillow. I just wanted to sleep.

We had had such a long day on set yesterday. I was physically and mentally exhausted. I just wanted to sleep.

I just wanted to sleep.

I pressed the hand I had on the pillow on top of my head down harder. Hoping to block out more noise.

I tried to distract myself with various things, trying not to actually be listening in to whatever they were yelling about.

For the millionth time that night. I checked the time on my phone, it was 4:19, two minutes since I had last checked.

Reluctantly, I got out of bed and hopped over to my desk as I didn't have my leg on.

I had given up on the hope of getting any sleep at all, so I picked up my AirPods, hoping this would help with the volume of the argument.

I scrolled through my Spotify library, and decided to listen to folklore. Knowing that by the time I had reached the end of the album my alarm would be close to going off.

And just as I had predicted, just as the closing notes of "the lakes" played, my alarm went off.

I felt sick with exhaustion. All of these sleepless nights were beginning to catch up with me.

On top of that. I had an absolutely splitting headache.

Trying to keep a positive mindset, I started to get ready for the day.

As I was stood in the shower, I noticed for the first time, a big bruise spanning over my shoulder and base of my neck.

Yesterday, once mum had finally picked me up from this random spot she made me go to, not the cafe or park again as Taylor knew about them, she made me stay downstairs and socialise with all of the people she had round, and she had kept an extremely strong grip on my shoulder as she introduced me to people, so I didn't just run off to my room.

The bruise was a deep reddish purple, and was high enough that it would be visible with clothes on.

Once I was done showering and had gotten changed, I sat down at my mirror, and attempted to cover it with concealer.

I knew for a fact I was filming multiple scenes today, so I was hoping that the makeup department would just cover it up properly and keep it between us.

The screaming match had died down about an hour ago, so I want worried about running into whatever unfortunate man it was with.

I also knew mum was downstairs somewhere, and so wasn't surprised when I saw her sat on the sofa, asleep, a half drunken beer bottle in her hand.

I pried the bottle from her fingers, and put it down on the tea table.

She was obviously far too drunk to drive, so i decided to call an Uber, which wasn't the safest idea seeing as I am a) a minor, and b) a celebrity of sorts. But it was better than having her take me.

I was strictly not allowed to use an Uber per my mums rules, but that was my only option right now.

So, I booked it under my mums name. And then sat outside waiting for it. Wanting to escape the smell of alcohol that filled the house.

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