Chapter eleven

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Frankie's POV

Today was our first long, all-day day on set.

And yet again, I was running on no sleep.

Once I had gotten home from dress shopping, my mum immediately made me clean the house from whatever she had been doing while I was gone.

That took me until 11pm, and then I had to nail down the first few scenes as we were filming them today.

And after that, a combination of nerves and excitement for today got the better of me and I just couldn't get to sleep.

Today, we had to be at set for 8am, meaning I got up to get ready at just before 6.

I didn't bother spending too much time on my appearance as hair and makeup would redo it anyway.

"Mum, come on we have to go." I said to her, standing at the foot of her bed where she was lying.

"I'll be down in 10 minutes" she said, groaning as she sat up.

So I went back downstairs and put my shoes on.

I then sat on the sofa and messaged Lailah for afew minutes.

Eventually, mum came downstairs and we left for set.

"What time am I picking you up?" She asked, as if she would actually be there on time.

"We wrap up at 6pm today" i said, checking the timetable I had set as my Home Screen.

She just nodded, and kept driving.

The only other words said during the drive were mum cursing at the drivers around us.

"Go to the cafe I'll pick you up from there this evening" mum said as she pulled into the set and I got out of the car.

"Ok" I said, closing the door and walking away.

I then went to find Lailah.

We had been instructed today to go to this other location that was closer to the filming set.

"Hey!" I said, giving Lailah a hug as I reached her.

I noticed as i got closer that there was a separate section for al the extras today, and just two benches pushed together for the six of us.

"Hey! How was the shopping yesterday?" She asked me.

"Yea really good, we went for lunch after which was super nice, how was your weekend?" I asked in return.

"Amazing! The resort was like so good" she said excitedly.

We then walked over to where Naomi, Olive, and max were sat. Joseph was yet to arrive.

"Morning" Naomi said sleepily, as she drank her coffee.

"Morning!" I said back, taking a seat at the bench.

We sat talking for half an hour or so before Taylor and this lady with a clipboard walked over.

"Hey guys, this is my assistant Hayley, she's going to give you the brief on today while I talk to the other lot." Taylor said to us.

Taylor then walked over to the gaggle of extras, and Hayley handed us each a timetable for just today.

"So this is your personal timetable for today, it will tell you at what times you are needed for filming, what time hair & makeup and  costuming are expecting you." Hayley said, hading out our personal schedules.

We all thanked her before she walked off to join Taylor.

I looked down at my timetables which read:

Francesca Morris:

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