Chapter 42

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Frankie's POV:

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Taylor, being Taylor, was able to seamlessly cut me from the scene, and we even wrapped for the day before we were planned to.

Lilah didn't sit with us at lunch, instead opting to sit with a group of extras, and seemed quite miserable, which made me feel a bit bad.

During lunch Naomi took a photo of my eye to show me how it looked from the cut and the followed bruising and swelling, which just made me more worried about messing up the plans for the week of makeup wasn't able to cover it.

My leg was hurting a lot less after another dose of Advil and some time, so I managed to put my prosthetic back on, and walk around a bit, albeit it was still a bit painful and I struggled to be up on my feet for more than a minute or so.

"Are you ready to go?" Taylor asked me as I sat in a marquee on my phone, half an hour or so since everyone had gone back to the hotel.

"Yeah, I think so." I said, standing up.

"Great, I just have to get my bags then let's go." She said, walking us out of the marquee.

I nodded, following along behind her, ignoring my leg and trying to keep a normal pace.

Taylor said her goodbyes to everyone, as did I, and we walked back to the car.

"I'm sorry about everything today Frankie, really." Taylor said as we walked.

"You don't have to be sorry, it wasn't your fault at all." I said, a bit confused why Taylor was saying sorry.

"I guess, but I don't think Lilahs apologised to you, so at least your getting an apology, but also I am just sorry that it all happened, from an empathy standpoint," she said.

"Well, thanks Taylor, it means a lot." I said, smiling briefly, stopping when it strained at the bruised skin around my eye.

"Of course babe," she said as we reached the car, opening the door for me.

We drove back Taylor's apartment, where we were greeted by a very happy to see us Olivia.

Taylor and I walked through to the living room, where Olivia then jumped up on Taylor's lap.

"So I think we should go through the plan for next week when we're on break, just so we're both on the same page." Taylor said.

I nodded in agreement, ready for Taylor to debrief me on what's happening.

"Ok, so we have three more days of filming including tomorrow in Rhode Island, and everyone else will fly back to California on the fourth day, we've not got anything planned that day, it might be nice to just chill." Taylor said.

"Alright, sounds good." I said, liking the idea of a day to just rest and be a bit lazy.

"Then after that, on the Wednesday, I've got a big meeting with my record label to discuss some stuff, you can stay here if you want, but Blake, you guys met afew weeks ago, she said if you want something to do you can go to hers if you'd like, and then I was thinking in the evening after my meeting i'd come round to Blake's as well and we can have dinner?" She asked me.

"Yeah that sounds nice." I said, fan girling a bit about getting to spend a day with Blake Lively. Of course we had met the day that Taylor found me drunk at my house, but that was different, I think.

"Great, then Thursday is the day we're looking around that school, I'm not sure how long that'll take but I've blocked out the whole day regardless." Taylor said, looking on her phone at what I could only assume was her calendar.

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