Chapter 44

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Frankie's POV:

It was three days later, the day after we had wrapped in New York.

I had gone against Taylor's advice to stay off of my feet as much as I could, and was now regretting that decision immensely. What with the amount of pressure I had put on my leg the last few days, it was physically unbearable to put any weight down on it at all, so Taylor had made me stay on the sofa all day.

She had, in true Taylor fashion, been frantically cleaning the apartment in preparation of Tree's visit, even though Tree had specifically told her not to tidy and that it was just a casual meeting.

Of course, it wasn't all casual as we were deciding how to adress the whole situation regarding both Lilah and the press. Which I was stressed out if my mind about, and although Taylor hadn't shown any of it to me, I could tell that she was too.

The last few days on set had been ok, Lilah had left me alone for the most part which was great as it meant I wasn't getting shoved into tables anymore. I was definitely going to enjoy this week without her.

Lilah had though, for reasons beyond my understanding, gone and posted another photo carousel to instagram that included a lot of photos of me, a few from before we fell out, but also an alarming amount of photos that she had taken of me, post-argument, that I didn't even know existed. And she had then captioned the post "I'm going to miss my family when we have stopped filming 💕💕"

To not give the any suspicion to anyone who might look at those sorts of things, I did like the post, but I was still a bit freaked out by it, not that I would confront her about it or anything.

I had spoken to Taylor about it briefly, and she just said to leave it, unless Lilah talks to me about it.

"You ok?" Taylor asked, a bit concerned as I stared aimlessly at the wall.

"Yeah, just exhausted." I said sighing, sitting up.

"I can ask Tree to do this another day if you want, we don't have to do it today." Taylor said, stopping whatever cleaning ritual she was doing at that second and joining me on the sofa.

"No no, it's fine, I want to do it today I've been stressing about it for far too long it'll be good to get it over and done with." I said, widening my eyes to show her how genuine I was being.

"Ok, well then would you like to go take a nap or something?" She asked, unsure.

"No, it's not the kind of tired where i want to sleep." I said shrugging.

"I get that, well you just sit here and rest, and watch some tv for a few hours before Tree gets here." Taylor said, patting my shoulder before getting back up from the sofa to clean.

And so I did just that, I sat and watched an ungodly amount of Greys Anatomy, Taylor dipping in and out throughout, before Tree arrived at just after 4pm.

"Good afternoon ladies." Tree said as she walked in.

I attempted to pick up my crutches to go greet Tree but both Taylor was quick to me to get back onto the sofa.

"She's on a strict no prosthetic day today as she forgot that walking around New York in a prosthetic leg for two days straight would not be a good idea." Taylor said, explaining to Tree why I was being confined to the sofa as we greeted each other.

"I see, how did the last few days of filming go?" Tree asked us as she and Taylor sat down on the sofa.

"Good, we got everything done in good time, and I just heard literally 5 minutes ago that they all landed back safely in LA." Taylor said, pouring herself and Tree a glass of wine.

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