Chapter 49

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Taylor's POV:

Today we were going to pick up Frankie's new prosthetic leg. Luckily for me, I had managed to get more sleep last night, so I was feeling a lot better. 

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Frankie who was sat on the sofa, half asleep.

"Yeah," she said, getting up from the sofa and walking over to where I was standing by the door.

"Alright, got everything you need?" I asked her.

"I think so," she said, looking around.

"Okay great, let's go." I said, opening the door for her.

The drive to the hospital was about 40 minutes according to Google maps, and I had managed to connect my phone to the car via Bluetooth, so I let Frankie put on some music.

She put on some playlist she found, and of course the first song that came on was one of mine.

I'd always found it slightly weird listening to my own music, but regardless, I let Frankie turn up the volume and we did some carpool karaoke.

Then, after not too long, we arrived at the hospital.

We were quite early, so Frankie made us stay in the car for a minute.

"How're you feeling?" I asked her as I turned the car off.

"Okay for the most part, just a bit nervous." She said, fidgeting with her necklace.

"Alright, tell me what you're worried about, and we'll try to talk through them." I said to her, hoping to calm her nerves.

"Can I be completely honest?" She asked me.

"Please do be honest with me babe." I said, looking at her as she looked down to the ground, not making any eye contact.

"I'm really worried about them weighing me." Frankie said, a quiver in her voice.

I felt my heart sink in my chest as I saw a tear escape the corner of her eye.

"Oh honey." I said, a whisper. I didn't have it in me to say much more.

As I caught my breath and blinked my own tears back, I pushed some of her hair behind her ear.

"You are so so so much more than whatever number is on those scales, you know that right?" I said to her, wanting to just scoop her up, hold her tight and tell her it'll all be okay.

"Yeah, I just dread it so much." She said, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"I get it, I really do, just try to distract yourself and not focus on it, it'll be over quickly." I said, not really knowing what else to say.

"I'll try." She said. I could tell there was more she wanted to say, but wasn't for one reason or another, and i didn't want to pry.

"Well, should we go in?" I said, smiling a little to her in a reassuring way.

"Yeah, okay." Frankie said, giving her eyes one last wipe before opening her door.

We walked into the hospital, and found the right wing we needed to be in.

"Good morning, we have an appointment for Frankie Morris" I said to the nurse at the front desk as we got to the desk.

"Okay, if you could wait in that side room there someone will come get you whenever ready." She said, barely looking up before pointing to the general direction of the waiting room.

"Alright, thank you." I said cheerfully before leading us that way.

The waiting room had three other people in it besides us, and thankfully none of them took any notice at all to me or Frankie.

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