Chapter 41

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A/N trigger warning, Eating Disorder shaming, if you want to avoid please stop reading at the ⚠️⚠️⚠️ and skip to the next place it has them.

Frankie's POV:

"We have so much to tell you" said Olive.

"Shush Olive. She'll hear." Naomi said. Looking over to her shoulder to where Lilah was entering the next marquee over, where the food, chairs and tables were.

"Oh whoops, will anyone mind if we walk just a bit down the street?" Olive asked.

"Probably not, we can't go far though" I said, intrigued to hear what they had to tell me.

"Ok come on let's go" Naomi said, beginning to turn around for us three to walk off before seeing me struggling to decide the best way to get off of the chair again.

Normally I would have just jumped off, hoping it wouldn't hurt my prosthetic in any way, but I was in such an amount of pain even without any other pressure on my leg that I knew jumping into it would not end well.

Olive and Naomi each took one of my hands and I managed to get off of the chair putting most of my weight onto my real leg, with minimal impact on my prosthesis.

Our call time on set wasn't actually for another 25 minutes so we had plenty of time before we could get in trouble for walking off.

"Ok, so you know you like left the room after Lilah said, you know?" Olive said once we were by far out of eat shot from Lilah.

"Yep" I said, thinking back to last night.

"So as soon as you left Lilah goes 'well that was a bit of an overreaction how was I supposed to know that about her mom' " Olive said, mocking Lilah which made me have to stifle a laugh.

I didn't say anything else back to that, not really wanting to talk about my mum.

"And obviously Naomi and I were like 'you shouldn't have said that in the first place' and basically just saying she was going way too far and she needs to mind her own business and she got super mad at us" olive said, all in one breath.

"You guys didn't have to stand up for me or get in the middle of that you know" I said, not wanting this to become a bigger issue.

"Well we were certainly not letting her get away with what she said. Then anyway after that she went on a mission to try and find you and we were dragged all around the hotel cause you know we have to stay together, and eventually we went to my moms room and she told us you'd gone to Taylor's and Lilahs face literally went purple with rage." Naomi said, trying to imitate lilahs face.

"We'd made it pretty clear by this point we were not on Lilahs side so she went off to her, and your room and we just sort of left her too it to let her blow off some steam or whatever, but I realised you'd probably want your stuff if you were staying with Taylor the rest of the week so I went to go grab everything and I heard Lilah on the phone to somebody talking about you." Olive said, looking curious as to see my response to this.


"Oh really? What did she say?" I said, nervous to know.

"It wasn't very nice. At all." Olive said, looking a bit scared.

"I'd still like to know, please" I said, swallowing my breath.

"Ok, I didn't hear all of it, but what I did hear she said something along the lines of 'I just don't understand why she got so mad, like I was just asking questions, god forbid I'm curious about something. And then she storms off like an absolute baby. She's lucky I didn't start talking about her eating disorder, she's like so clearly doing it for attention she's not skinny enough to be anorexic, it's sad really that she obviously wasn't loved enough and didn't get enough attention from her parents, but like get a grip you know?' " olive said.

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