Chapter 43

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Frankie's POV:

After filming at Taylor's house in Rhode Island, we finally arrived back in New York after far too long of a drive.

Because it always finds a way, I had sand just about in every nook and cranny of my leg, somehow including inside my socket and liner, which was incredibly uncomfortable so as soon as we got inside I took off my leg, careful not to get too much sand anywhere.

"You ok there?" Taylor asked skeptically as I tried to get off the sand from my leg.

"Somehow I got sand in my leg and now it's like stuck all over me." I said, picking at the sand that was sticking stubbornly to my skin.

"Oh, strange, is there anything I can do?" She asked, coming over to me after dumping her bags in the hall.

"No I don't think so, I'll go shower, then I'll deal with the sand in the leg itself later." I said, standing up, now with only one foot so I had to take a second to find my balance.

"Would you like me to clean out as much as I can from your prosthetic while you're in the shower?" She asked, picking up my prosthetic, beginning to pick out the sand from the various places it had hidden itself.

"Only if you want, I don't mind doing it later." I said, not wanting Taylor to feel some kind of obligation to do it.

"No don't be silly of course I don't mind, do you want your leg back to go walk to the bathroom?" She asked me.

"No it's fine, I'll hop" i said, demonstrating my hopping skills by circling the coffee table.

"That surely cannot be good for the one foot you've got left." Taylor said, half jokingly.

"Wow, way to rub it in" I said sarcastically back to her, rolling my eyes in a very over dramatic fashion, imitating a certain someone.

"Oh shush you know what I mean, now do you want this leg or the crutches?" she said, laughing.

"Ok fine I'll take the crutches" I said, doing another over dramatic sigh and falling back into the sofa.

"Alright, I'll go grab them i think they're in your room" Taylor said, getting up.

While she was getting the crutches, I checked my phone, immediately as I opened instagram, even on my Finsta not my official account, all I was seeing was people talking about the fact that I had allegedly  moved in with Taylor.

I knew it was Lilah who sent the leak, that much was obvious, but it hurt to know she'd go this far over such a stupid argument. I was just glad she didn't say anything about my mum, now she's found out about all that too, or at least she sent yet, I had no doubts that if it came down to it she would have a problem telling the media that too.

I was also worried about what Taylor wanted to do about this news. I wasn't stupid, I know that if the public didn't take well to the news then it could hurt Taylor's career, which was the last thing I wanted to do.

I also didn't want her to feel obligated to tell everyone, especially if me living with Taylor wanst a permanent thing. If she did only want it to be temporary she can't exactly go tell the media about it all, what would the public think about Taylor when they find out I've been shipped off to go live with some distant great aunt in the middle of nowhere?

Pulling me out of my thoughts, Taylor came back with the crutches, and I went to go take a shower.


For dinner that night, seeing as it was later than expected when we got home, Taylor had one of her guys go get us some food from this Italian restaurant down the street.

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