Chapter 63

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Taylor's POV:

It was a late Monday night, the next weekend. I was getting ready to go to bed after a long day filming.

While in the middle of taking off my makeup, I heard my phone ring from inside my bedroom.

I got up, and walked over to it. I expected to see Travis calling, so I was a little surprised to see that it was Blake, I also assumed she would have been asleep by now, having 4 kids is exhausting.

It was a FaceTime call, so I quickly make sure I looked somewhat presentable before I accepted her call.

"Hey-" I said, about to ask her how she was but she immediately cut me off.

"When were you going to tell me that Joe has been calling you?" She asked, sounding and looking annoyed, but I knew it was all coming from a place of concern.

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal that I needed to." I said, caught off by the sudden question, and no greeting.

"Taylor, you know I love you, but that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Of course it's a big deal, are you okay honey?" She asked me, her face switching to a look of empathy.

"It's fine Blake honestly, if I were to go round telling people, it'll get back to him eventually that I've been talking about him, which will only give him what he wants." I said, avoiding the "are you okay?" Portion of Blake's response.

"It's not fine, not at all. Have you called your lawyers? Have you actually spoken to him?" She asked.

"Okay, well first of all how did you even know that he's been trying to reach me?" I asked her, going back into my bathroom and continuing to remove my makeup.

"Travis sent me a message earlier today, asking if I'd spoken to you about it, and I was obviously confused because I didn't even know he was contacting you." She said.

"How on earth did you even get his phone number?" I asked, internally smiling as I had managed to divert the conversation from the whole Joe thing.

"I have my secrets." She said, winking. I greeted her back with an unimpressed look, encouraging her to actually tell me how she got his number. She got the memo pretty quick and told me. "Rob McElhenney, the guy Ryan owns Wrexham with, was on Travis' podcast a little while back, so he had his number." She explained.

"How often do you talk to him?" I asked, genuinely curious but also just happy to be keeping her from the topic of why she called.

"Often enough to keep tabs on you. Now stop diverting the subject, Taylor sweetie I know you well enough to know that there is no way that Joe calling and messaging you hasn't taken a toll on you, so please talk to me. Don't keep it all inside." She said.

I could already find myself having to blink back tears.

"I mean I'd by lying if I said it wasn't hard to be having to revisit all of the memories I've tried to hard to make disappear in the darkest corners of my mind. But now I just feel constantly on edge, I feel like I'm in danger again and I know it's irrational, but I can't help it, my whole body feels like it's in fight or flight mode, and I don't want it to be, but at the same time I feel like it needs to be because I'm just so fucking terrified that because I've been ignoring all his attempts to get my attention over messaging and calling me that he's going to try come in person. I mean he already messaged Frankie and I wouldn't put it past him to try come find me and that just terrifies me more than I can even handle and it all just feels like so much I don't know what to do." I said. Once I started I just couldn't stop. The only reason I did was so that I could catch my breath.

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