Season 2 episode 8

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Secret Reveals Chapter 37:

Season 2 episode 8; aka episode 32: "Strive Together"

The opening has been skipped and so does the recaps.

#32: Strive together

"If I win, I'll take over BLACK DRAGON." Takemichi declares and Taiju gritted his teeth. He then punches Takemichi and the two started fighting each other with Takemichi having no chance of winning.

"Dude, you don't go around declaring that then get your ass beat!" Baji shouted and Smiley laughed out loud making Takemichi blushed.

Chifuyu shrugged at this. 'I mean...why not...right?' He sighed in his mind.

"I'm not through yet." Takemichi shouted and tries one more time, Hakkai's eyes went wide.

Hakkai watched in horror as Taiju beat Takemichi up. 'Stop doing this, Takemichi.'

"I'm not...through yet." Takemichi stand up and slowly approaches Taiju. "You can't change anything, damn it!" Hakkai shouts only to be answer by another shout coming from Takemichi. 'I had nothing. No friends to confide in and nobody to love. I was all alone.' Takemichi fell to the ground in front of Hakkai.

Mikey and Draken narrowed their eyes at that. 'Not anymore.' They both thought.

"Takemichi." said Hakkai "You're wrong." Takemichi stand up. Inui and Koko just stares at him. "Hakkai. You're the one who can't change." Takemichi said.

'The first time I swore to change the future was when Akkun died. I was on a dirty stairway in a back alley. I felt like I had to shoulder the whole burden alone.  I was so afraid and anxious, it was overwhelming.' He thought as a flashback shows up

'And it had gotten worsed in the future...' Takemichi thought gritting his teeth.

He then felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Chifuyu who's eyes are fixed on the screen. He then smiles and focuses on screen.

He was crying "I want to save everyone." He had said

'But little by little...'

"Dude you're awesome." Yamagishi gave him a thumbs up "You actually got those two to make up." Makoto told him.

New set of flashback shows up

"Take care of Ken-chin!" Mikey had shout

"A hundred million yen on Takemitchy." Draken declared

"Crybaby hero." Akkun had called him

"I live it in your hands." Baji's last words to him.

'They all accepted me.'

Another flashback

"Hanagaki Takemichi! I appoint you captain of First Division!" Chifuyu had shouted

"Thanks, Takemitchy." Mikey said

"Thank you, Takemitchy." Draken said

"I leave you, partner." Future Chifuyu's last words to him

The flashback ends

Taiju once more punches Takemichi but he stand up again. "That's enough, Takemichi! You're going to die!" Chifuyu shouted.

"No offense." Chifuyu said

"Why do I feel like you're not sorry at all?" Takemichi sweat dropped

"Whatever do you mean partner." Chifuyu laughed

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