The bus attack

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The next day, the fire had still not been brought under control. He even got worse. The students still had school. Students and teachers tried not to show their anxiety, but the stifling heat and the fear of burning to death didn't really help. The day passed without a hitch. Sky spent part of the day with Cleo and Ethan. In the afternoon, she joined Luna and Harlan. Each of them had noticed that their senses were much more developed than usual.

As for Billie, she spent another day with Cyrus, Tia, Austin and unfortunately Phoebe. She had had no exchange with Lana, Nina, Charlie and the others, even though Nina and Peter continued to look at her with regret and she still had no news about Kelly. The 16-year-old had done everything she could to avoid Harlan. His little game could be played by two. Although in truth, since he was also avoiding her, it didn't help much. She wasn't sure why, but she felt like she had been rejected and she hated being rejected.

That same evening, the two Arsen sisters were on edge. They had argued again over some bullshit and the younger one had ended up commenting on the older one's rotten jeep. The day before, Sky had warned her. Billie would not board with her the next day. Since Kelly and Nina weren't possible choices at the time, she contacted Cyrus to see if he could drive her to high school the next day, but it wasn't possible. She was therefore forced to take the bus.

On Friday morning, Billie had to get up much earlier to catch the bus in time. With the music playing loudly in her headphones, she paid no attention to the gossip that all the students were telling each other. Billie sighed loudly as the bus stopped. She took off her headphones when she noticed that all the students were leaning to one side to look out the window.

The fire was just at the edge of the forest. Everyone was starting to stress. Billie would be lying if she said she wasn't stressed. Her father had died in one of those fires and there was one a few yards from her. As Billie got up from her seat, she heard a conversation.

"Look at this car. There is no one behind the wheel. As if the driver had abandoned his car." Everett told Blake.

"Maybe he will come back." she replied.

"Maybe he didn't want to be burned alive in his car."

"It would make sense, but in the meantime, it's because of a moron like him that the road is blocked. He could have at least put his car on the side." Billie said, approaching them.

Right after, the three teenagers noticed another driver leaving his car. Billie and Blake exchanged uncertain looks before looking at Everett who was starting to get worried. Blake frowned and Everett answered her silent question.

"This is called a psychogenic tremor. I have anxiety."

"I know." Billie muttered.

"That I have anxiety?"

"What is a psychogenic tremor... AND for your anxiety."

"Ah, it's true you-!"

Billie cut him off with a look to shut him up. There had been times when she was younger where she met Everett when she went to the doctor. She didn't want everyone to know.

"Doesn't everyone have anxiety?" Blake asked.

"Not like me."

Everyone's phones started ringing. Billie looked at the message she had just received. The high school was officially closed and they were evacuating Altadena and Eagle Rock. Billie and Sky lived in Eagle Rock.


Billie hurriedly wrote to Sky. Girl, what do we do? She just hoped her sister hadn't already left for high school.

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