Made a choice

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Billie didn't quite know where to go. She couldn't go to Kelly's. She couldn't go to Cyrus's. She couldn't go home, because the fire had probably destroyed everything. She certainly couldn't go back to the Briggs. It was out of the question.

The nightclub parking lot was deserted. In the center, throned Kelly's car, alone in the world, like her. What had happened that night had made her sober in no time. She couldn't wait to get to the car. Yet, sitting behind the wheel, she didn't know what to do. If before she felt alone in the world, she still had people she could count on. Now she was truly alone. Like, for real. With that thought, she started the car and drove to the only place she was going when she felt everyone was against her.

Sky had stopped crying for a few minutes. She was taking deep breaths to calm herself surrounded by Luna and Harlan.

"You're better?" asked the blonde.

"Not really... How could I be fine when my little sister has just accused me of all her problems?"

Harlan sighed.

"She didn't blame you for all her problems. She is just hurt and tonight was the last drop."

"Harlan is right. You have to give her time. She will come back to us. She will need us to understand what is happening to her."

"Billie is way too proud for that."

"Tonight, she felt alone in the world. She felt like she had lost her best friend and her family. You just have to understand it..."

He didn't quite know why he was saying that. Normally he should support his biological sister, right? However, an imperceptible force pushed him to be on Billie's side. As if he felt the need to be on her side to be sure that at least one person was thinking of her.

"She will come back. She just need to digest the situation."

The redhead sneers bitterly.

"I now realize what you were telling me earlier."

The twins frowned not immediately realizing what Sky was talking about.


The three werewolves had just spoken to Prisha after seeing the condition of Garett's car. Sky had resumed her monologue about Billie and Harlan and the boy had had enough.

"You're going to stop?" he exclaimed exhaustedly.

"I beg your pardon? I have the right to be outraged by what I saw! You were eating my little sister's face! Do you realize how strange this is? You are my brother!"

"She's your adopted sister. I am your biological brother! I share no blood ties with her. Stop freaking out."

"It's not just that, Harlan." Luna whispered. "We know how you can be. Billie. It's Billie. We don't want you to hurt her. It's the family."

"Family? You haven't spoken to her properly in years! Stop pretending you're the nice one Luna. And then, what tells you that it's not her who's going to hurt me, huh? We are the same at this level. We just want to have fun. We don't date."

"I know my sister. It's a self-destructive behavior that she has had since our father died."

"Or maybe she just finally became herself. She is no longer in your shadow and seems to be doing wonderfully."

"As if it was supposed to! She gets laid with anyone, skips class, takes drugs, drinks and throws tantrums for nothing. She is not herself. I tell you again, I know my sister."

"What do you really know about your sister?" Harlan asked her, stopping in the middle of the woods.


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