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Back at the Briggs's, Luna didn't bother to ask questions. She no longer smelled the stench in the air that resembled that of wet socks. The characteristic smell of the mixture between unease, sadness and jealousy. A smell that had followed the two sisters for far too long. Instead, she felt a wave of coolness. Relief. The peace.

Her face lit up even more as she noticed the beaming smile on Sky's face. However, Billie still avoided her gaze. Concerned, she raised her head encouragingly.

Without saying anything, Billie gave her a big hug. Not knowing how to react, Luna just looked at Sky who motioned for her to take advantage.

"Would you like to come to the Rave with us?" Billie asked her, letting go of her.

"Sky Arsen, in a Rave?" Luna repeated." I don't believe it, it's impossible."

"Impossible? Well, that's one more reason to go!" Said the redhead.

" I would like to, but Raves are not my thing. Also, I have to draw a picture for Austin. He will pass by shortly." She admitted with a small smile.

" Wow, please tell me you'll enjoy it?" Said Billie with a naughty look.

Luna lightly hit her shoulder.

"Doing it like that is not my style."

"You could have fun, loosen up a bit." Billie encouraged her.

Luna turned to Sky with her mouth half open for help from her.

" She's not wrong. I'm not talking to you about sleeping with everybody like her, but..."

She laughed at Billie's falsely outraged reaction.

"But a friend recently advised me to find a happy medium between my life before and my life now."

"So you're going to return to your life of debauchery?"

"No debauchery, but I'm going to enjoy it like my little sister."

She press her hand, smiling.

"Life is short after all."

"Yeah, speaking of short lives... I think Austin saw something he shouldn't have seen on the road."

"You mean when we were attacked on the way to school? When Blake, Everett and I get bitten?"

"It's true that I heard him ask for sleeping pills to Everett this morning." Sky remembered. "Do you think it has a link?"

"Probably. We saw a lot of horrors that morning. It was quite traumatic." Billie replied calmly, knowing what it felt like.

"Anyway, I'm going to find out tonight."

" If he saw our biological father or if he ever sees him.... He will have to run."

Sky's tone gave them all a chill.


With the few choices they had, Billie managed to do wonders when choosing her clothes and those of her sister. It seems like after more than a year without going to a real party, Sky had forgotten what she should wear.

In the end, Billie handed her sister a pair of faux leather shorts. The shorts were high waisted and had laces on either side of the thighs. Sky had tucked her black shirt, quite classy, with one long sleeve and a round collar, inside her shorts. Billie had let her borrow her black leather combat boots. The outfit was very pretty, not too intense to allow Sky to slowly get used to coming out of her comfort zone.

For her part, Billie opted for blood red cargo pants. She put on a very close-fitting black top with one strap and black stiletto heels of around ten centimeters, completely closed, which went up to her ankle. To stylize everything, she put a wide white belt around her waist.

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