Origin Point

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Sky and the twins had been forced to follow the police. What was their surprise to see Blake Navarro and Everett Lang in the same vehicle as them a few minutes later. The girls looked at each other apprehensively as Harlan sighed loudly, throwing his head back.

"Why are the three of them here?" Everett asked.

"I don't know and I don't care." Blake replied, looking straight ahead.

"Where's Billie?" he continues.

"Clearly not here," Harlan replied exasperated.

Blake snorted and caught Sky's attention.

"You know something? Do you know where she is?"

"She would want you to know and she would have told you." Blake replied, frown at the redhead.

Sky shook her head a little outraged at having had such a reaction from the Navarro.

"They were in the hospital," mumbled Everett.

"Shut up."

"What they were doing there?"

"Everett, please shut up. Don't move. Don't talk. Don't do nothing." said Blake at the end of her tether.

His breath was jerky. He looked like he was about to cry and his eyes were closed tightly. Poor Everett seemed to suffer from anxiety the whole way and Harlan had more than enough.

"Are you going to shut up?"

The policeman who was driving knocked on the grid which separated the teenagers from the policemen to call them to order.

"Don't speak !"

"Harlan, give him a chance." Sky whispered, giving him a warning look.

"It's the full moon..."

"What is his problem ?" Harlan asked.

"I think he have anxiety." answered Luna.

"He clearly have something."

Sky nudged Harlan.

"You're really an asshole sometimes."

"Do we still risk being killed? Maybe that's what happened to Connor? It will happen to us too-"

"Who's Connor?" Harlan and Luna asked at the same time.

The policeman gave another knock. Sky realised that she knows Connor from High school.

"Whisper is speak."

"Are we under arrest?" asks the blonde.

"Don't say that !"


"You'll just make them want to arrest us," Harlan said.

Sky rolled her eyes. The twins figured out how to argue in this situation and unfortunately for her, she was in the center seat.

"The investigator will ask you questions and decide what to do with you next."

"Do our parents know?" Blake asked.

Everett's condition worsened at these words.

"Legally, you can call a parent at the station." The officer replied monotonously.

Blake managed to calm Everett down and caught the surprised and relieved looks of the three teenagers in front of her. Sky shared a small smile with Harlan when they both noticed the complicity of the other two in the back. The moment was broken by the policeman knocking a third time. Sky gritted her teeth, but got out of the vehicle anyway in the middle of the crowd outside the police station. As she moved forward, she noticed Luna staring at a horse without moving. She approached her and put her hand on her shoulder.

The pack never dies (Wolf pack)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora