The truth

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They all looked at each other for a long moment. Blake shook her head refusing to accept this truth. Everett was breathing heavily. Billie stared at her sister and the twins wondering if she should believe them or if they were completely nuts. Some movements from Blake's side caught Billie's attention. The girl was seriously freaking out and Everett was trying to hold her back.


She slowly backed away as Everett and Billie approached her. The younger reached out her hand to reassure her.

"Blake, wait."

"I have to go."

On this words, she started to run. Everett gave Billie a look to follow them just before running after Blake. The boy thought that since she had obviously been bitten too, they should all stick together.


"Are you kidding me..." muttered the younger one, following Everett anyway.

Luna gave Sky and her brother a long look before following Billie.

"I wanted her to learn the truth. I should have foreseen that it wouldn't happen as I wanted." murmured the redhead, rolling her eyes.

"Rejoice. You can have a real one-on-one with her." Harlan said sarcastically.

Sky gave him a warning look before leaving him alone.


He followed them wondering why they even had to care about them. He only cared about Billie.

"Blake, slow down!" Everett asked breathlessly.

"I have to go back to my brother!"

"Can we talk about it for a second?"

"I really think we need to talk about it!" supports Billie just as breathless as Everett.

"Wait!" cried Harlan. "What's his name again?"

"Everett!", Sky and Luna answered in unison.

"Everett. Dude, wait! Does he even know where he is going?"

The three friends were running in the back unlike the other three who were starting to outrun them.

"You know?" asked the blonde.

"Not really."

"That's fucked up."

"We're going in the wrong direction."

"How do you know?"

"Because it's getting hotter!"

Blake stepped up, encouraging everyone to do the same.

"Of course, nothing can be easy."

The more they ran, the closer they got to the fire. The flames dotted the ground and the leaves of the trees. Billie had only one goal in mind: to catch up Blake. She didn't immediately realize what was happening. At that moment, she just heard her name shouted by three different voices before jumping off the ground to avoid the tree that had just fallen in front of her. Her foot lands on the trunk before she jumps one last time to land on the ground.

Billie paused for a few seconds realizing what she had just done. Everett joins her. The strange noise the tree made caught his attention. He had turned around in time to see the impressive acrobatics that the younger one had just done.

"Are you good?" He asked her.

"Yes." she replied absently, examining the tree.

Her gaze fell on the three breathless teenagers coming from the other side of the trunk. They had seen the tree practically crush her before they saw her dodging it like a professional athlete.

The pack never dies (Wolf pack)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz