first date pt 2

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Note: I did proof read but there might still be a few mistakes💞

Daniel's pov

So we were on our way to restaurant and their was total silence between us so I decided break the ice.

"So where do you think we're going" I asked her.

"I don't know but I hope its somewhere with water" she said

"Ok then you'll love this" I said.

We were now 5 minutes away from the restaurant and I wanted it to be a surprise so I asked her to put her blind folds on.

We pulled into the parking lot and help her get out of the car.

"You can take your blindfold off now"I said.

""she said with her hands covering her mouth.
(This is what the restaurant looks like)

(This is what the restaurant looks like)

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"You like your surprise" I asked her

"I love it.....I was just that we would go somewhere with water and we did, how did come up with idea" she asked smiling, I mean she was smiling hard.

"Well I had a little help from the girls"I said taking her hand as we walked into the restaurant.

"Hi good evening we have a reservation for Daniel and Tamila"I said to receptionist.

"Yes right this way" she said showing us to our seat.

We took our seat and a waiter came and took our orders.

"So what's new" she asked.

"Nothing much my parents came to visit this morning"I said.

"That's nice" she said.

"I heard your family come to visit also" I said.

"Mmhm" she mumbled.

"So what's the deal with you and your sister.

"What ate you talking about" she answered.

"I heard you and your sister is beefing" I said.

"How did you even find that out" she said with a confused look on her face.

"You know sister Betty be running her mouth down at the church"I said.

"Its something's that happened when we were kids that kinda caused a shift in our relationship" she said.

"Ok" I said knowing she wasn't ready to tell me, so im going to let her tell me when she's ready.

The waiter came over with our food 5 minutes later we finished eating

"Do you want to take a walk on the beach" i asked seeing her face light up.

"Of course I would" she said grinning from ear to ear.

We paid for our food and took a walk on the beach. After our walk we were on our way back home.

Tamila's pov

We were on our way back home, it was a silent ride. 5 minutes later we pulled up to my house.

"I really enjoyed our little date" I said

"Me too" he said getting out of the car coming over to open the door for me.

"Why thank you sir" I said in a British accent.

"You welcome madam" he reolied making me laugh.

He walked me to the door.

"Goodnight" I said.

"Goodnight" he replied before pulling me into a kiss.

He pulled out of the kiss smiling before walking back to his car. I waved at him before going inside.

I locked the door and headed towards the living room, I surprise, the house was very quiet

I walked in and my purse fell out of my hands onto the floor and I could feel tears building up in eyes.

it was pute silence in the room, I believe it I was face to face with the last person I thought I would ever see again.





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