Ch: 14. Welcome!

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(Eclipse's text will look like this:


~{ Sun's POV }~

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling consousnious taking me again. I felt a preasure on my body, then remembered I made Moon sleep on me last night. I smiled at him as he slept peacefully. I remembered that Eclipse was supposed to be coming in today, so I gently moved Moon off of me and got up out of bed. I put on my work clothes and jumped down into the ballpit.

I crawled out and walked over to the Arts and Crafts table. I sat down and pulled out some paper, pencil, crayons, glitter, glitter glue, googly eyes, markers, color pencils, and mini pom poms. I figured I should make a welcome card for Eclipse, so I got to work. It took me about 30 minutes but when I finished, I was a whole mess! I had to clean up, and fast!

The bad thing was that the Daycare opens in an 30 minutes! I quickly cleaned up the Arts and Crafts area before I cleaned myself up. Phew! I finished with 5 minutes to spare! Suddenly, I heard a knock on the Daycare doors.

I opened the doors and I saw a new animatronic! They were crazy tall! At least 9 or 10 feet tall! "Greetings, Sunshine" They said. "Yeah, yeah. Um, Sunrise, this is Eclipse. He will be helping you with your job and he'll be here for security. Have a good day you two, see ya!" The security guard said as they waved and left. Leaving me alone with Eclipse...

He bowed then held his hand out to me. "Nice to meet you" He said. I shook his hand and gulped. He was much taller than me and he definitely could kill someone in an instant. It kinda scared me a little...

I felt a hug behind me and noticed it was Moon. I smiled and began to talk. "Good morning, Moony! This is Eclipse!" I pointed to Eclipse and Moon looked up at him. I chuckled because Moon hadn't taken off the collar from yesterday yet. I'm pretty sure Eclipse noticed it too.

Moon squeaked when he noticed how tall he was and hid behind me. Only his eyes and the half of his head were showing. "S-Sunny, why is he s-so tall..?" Moon whispered. I shrugged my shoulders as Moon looked at Eclipse nervously. "Hello. Moon, was it? Nice to meet you" Eclipse said.

Moon whined and his face fully into my neck. I giggled at him and patted his cheek. "It's alright Moony! He won't hurt you, right Eclipse?" I looked back up at Eclipse and he simply nodded. I smiled and looked back at Moon.

"See? Everything's ok" I said. Moon made a small whine though, clearly still nervous. Eclipse opened his 4 arms in a hug motion for Moon. "Would a- a...what is it called? A hug, is it? Would that make you feel better?" Eclipse asked.

I laughed at his new knowledge and learning of the world. He seemed to have began blushing and he crossed his lower arm set and did the same for his upper set of arms. "Wh-What are you laughing about!? I-Is it cause of what I said!? I- W-Well it's n-not funny!" He exclaimed.

I laughed more and Moon seemed to have been quietly giggling. "Haha...Sorry Eclipse! You're just really funny!" I calmed down mostly from my gigglefit and Moon seemed to too. Eclipse made a 'hmph' sound and turned his head away. I mean, he is kinda silly.

"Alright, the kids should be here any minute now, so get ready! They're is gonna be a rowdy bunch today because I told them a special surprise was gonna be here today" I smiled at Eclipse as I spoke. "Ooh! What's the surprise?" He asked. I giggled a little and began talking again. "You, silly! You're the surprise!"

He made an 'oh' sound as he realized what I was talking about. I felt Moon grumble against my shoulder, the a sharp sting where his mouth was. He had bit my shoulder and he started sucking on it. "Moony! St-Stop that!" I whisper-yelled but he didn't stop. He just kept sucking and my facial expression had definitely changed from before.

"Is everything OK? Umm...I never caught your name.." He said. I whimpered out, "S-Sunrise! J-Just call me S-Sun or Sunny! A-And I'm o-KAY!!" I shouted at the end just Moon had started grinding against me.

"Are you sure? You seem to be keeping something hidden.." Eclipse said. I groaned under my breath and simply nodded. Before anything else could happen, children came running into the daycare like a flood of children. Moon's quickly stopped, but he left a hickey on my neck. I sighed and quickly explained how the day would go to Eclipse and madly told Moon to go into our room.

Before he did, he made a 'hmph' sound, then walked off into our room. Now, it was just me and Eclipse working with the kids.

~{ Time Skip }~

It was the end of the day and all the children had gone home. Eclipse and I cleaned the daycare and now, we were in Moon's and my room. We decided to set up a hammock in the corner of the room for Eclipse to sleep on. Soon after, it was successfully finished and it worked well. Eclipse layed in his hammock as Moon and I layed in our bed.

We decided to go to bed early since today was pretty rough. "Eclipse..?" I heard Moon say. "Yes?" Eclipse responds. "I'm sorry about earlier...I won't judge you so fast next time..." Moon said sadly.

I rubbed his back to make him feel better. Then, I pulled him close and wrapped my leg over his as we layed on the bed. He made a humming sound and he yawned. "Good night you two" Moon says. Eclipse and I reply, "Good night" After a little bit, sleep caught up to us three and we fell asleep.

(1024 words! I made this pretty quick and I'll be drawing so that's what will be the next part of the story. Just some drawings for yall lovelies <3 Anyways, have a great day/night!)

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