Chapter 2 It all started ...

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Previous Day

Lan Zhan's POV

It was a day like any other day. Wei Ying waking up in my arms after I bathed and dressed him. (sighs). Making him eat breakfast, while he whines for five more minutes of sleep. (softly chuckles). After he has finally awakened we leave the Jingshi for our duties to the Lan Clan. We never come back till evening to have dinner. But lately I have been coming home very late. I often find Wei Ying sleeping while waiting for me . Sometimes outside on the bench outside our Jingshi, sometimes in my chair at our table or lying against the bed on the floor. Wei Ying has been absolutely refusing to go to bed without me, no matter what I say.

I feel so guilty but I'm trying to fulfill my duties so my Uncle won't blame Wei Ying and become more unreasonable and unyielding towards him. So I've been trying to balance my time without success. I've tried to placate my husband with small gifts, a special book, beautiful papers for his drawings and talismans and even his favorite foods but nothing is helping.

Wei Ying always thanks me and hugs me but it's his broken smile and unshed tears in his eyes that is killing me. He always says everything is alright but I know my Wei Ying. He is sad and lonely and misses our private times together away from our duties and responsibilities. I really must talk to my brother to help with my workload so I can be home more.

I can feel deep in my soul how fragile and broken my Wei Ying is becoming.....

Previous Day

Wei Ying;s POV

"I know Lan Zhan has many duties and I know he is highly respected because of his sense of duty and deep respect for justice. So because of this I try very hard to be the best partner for the great Hanguang Jun and not embarrass him. I don't want Uncle to chastise him because of me.

We would leave Cloud Recess from time to time so that I could feel more free and breath. But those times are becoming fewer and fewer. I truly cherished those times but mostly I cherish the times alone with my husband. I love just lying in his arms talking mostly nonsense while he just says "Mn" every once in a while. ( smiles softly). Sitting in his lap while he writes or draws, but mostly I miss the long slow kisses that always become something else.

Tears well up, close to escaping his eyes. "I miss my husband !!"

"What if Uncle is trying to make Lan Zhan leave me? What if he's not coming home because he has found someone better? What if Lan Zhan is tired of me and doesn't know how to tell me?"

"What if he doesn't love me anymore and he wants me to leave?"

I am HereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora