Chapter 11 Protect what is yours to protect

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Lan Chen tells his secret about who he was in Gusu and why he left. He told Lan Zhan about the cruelty of Lan Qiren and friends to himself and his lover. He spoke of how his lover killed himself and why. Finally Lan Zhan tells Lan Chen his name and that Lan Qiren raised him and his brother. He is no longer wishing to be related to this cruel man.

Lan Zhan is gripping Bichen tighter and tighter. He is getting sick to his stomach listening to the things he is being told. He doesn't want to believe his righteous uncle could do such a thing, yet he does. Suddenly the vision of his beautiful husband taking his own life comes to him. His Wei Ying is fragile and it wouldn't take much to push him there. He must protect his husband at all costs. Wei Ying is his to protect and keep safe.

Lan Chen touches his arm to get his attention. "Do not let your uncle win again, protect and keep what is yours safe." Again he gets Lan Zhan's attention. "Luckily all was not lost to me in the end. "Though I believe it would be for you. I feel you are soulmates and one cannot live without the other. Thankfully, it was not the case for me. I found a new life and a new reason for living. He is buried on the hill behind this village. His name was Wang Zi. He saved me when I didn't want to be saved. Loved me when I was scared to love again. He became my savior.

He always wanted to know about and see the place I came from. I refused to tell him anything. I couldn't bear for your uncle to crush another life without a second thought. He was mine to protect and keep safe. I would not fail him like I failed Xue he bing. So we lived a peaceful and happy life here. Is it your plan to return to Gusu?

Lan Zhan stares at Lan Chen while deep in thought. "How can I look at my uncle with respect and honor ever again? Knowing what I know now, it will be difficult at best, if not impossible.

Lan Chen softly but firmly says "If you decide to return to Gusu, make a place where your husband will always feel safe and loved. Don't let the Clan be your first priority, he must always come first. Don't let your uncle make you choose between the Clan and your husband. You know what his choice will be."

"The Clan will never love you as much as your husband will. The Clan will never be as loyal as your husband will be. Your husband will die to protect you without a second thought will the Clan?" Lastly, don't ever let Lan Qiren hurt your husband. He will try and make your husband feel less than worthy and not deserving of you. He will push him to the edge that he will not be able to come back from. Do you understand what I am saying?

Lan Zhan is stunned. Lan Chen has literally given all the reasons why they are not in Cloud Recess right now. He was such a fool to listen to everyone but his husband. But no more, his Wei Ying is more important than his own life. His husband will never again suffer at the hands of Lan Qiren and the Clan. He will protect and keep safe his beloved. No matter the cost.

He looks again at Lan Chen, he gives him a bow of respect. "I understand and thank you. I must go now, my husband will be worried."

"Before you leave, I have a gift for you and for your beautiful husband, please accept it." He hands over a bundle to Lan Zhan, "Inside is my diary of my life both during and after Cloud Recess. It will further explain the details of how two lives were needlessly ruined. It will also explain how my Wang Zi saved me. The other is a rare book, a gift from Wang Zi. It was used with love.

Lan Zhan opens the second book, it was covered in beautiful tapestry (gold with blue and gold tassels on either end of the book). Inside were beautiful watercolor drawings of same sex sexual acts. Each drawing is more stunning than the next. The colors were still vibrant and made each page come alive. Lan Zhan's cheeks and ears are burning red.

Lan Chen says in a thick voice "This book brought much pleasure and strengthened our bonds of trust and love with each other. I hope it does the same for you. One last thing, here is my sword Xuehua(snowflake), take it as proof of what I have told you. Your uncle will remember it."

They bow again to each other and Lan Zhan places the bundles in his qiankun pouch and proceeds to find his Wei Ying for dinner. There is much to think about but he feels he is already on the right course in protecting and keeping his husband his first priority.

Lan Chen watches Lan Zhan walk away and he finally lets his tears flow, he whispers "Be strong Lan Zhan, he will need you to keep him safe."

He closes his shop and walks slowly to the hill behind the village to where his precious Wang Zi lies. He looks up and smiles. Wang Zi is waiting for him with open arms, waiting to embrace him. When Lan Chen finally reaches him he is in Wang Zi's arms. Wang Zi kisses his forehead and smiles at him "What took you so long my love?" Lan Chen cups his face and smiles back "Sorry my love, my duty is finally complete, Take me home now."

The next morning, the villagers found Lan Chen lying on his beloved's grave with a smile on his face. So his chapter closes and another begins. Can Lan Zhan protect his Wei Ying or will he fail like Lan Chen? Only heaven knows the answer.

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