Chapter 15 A New Dawn

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The next morning Wei Ying feels completely drained but also for the first time he also feels at peace. He has made peace with his past, maybe not with Madame Yu, that could take a lifetime or never. He understands it will never go away but at least he can put it away, far away where it no longer has the power to hurt him. No longer will the past rule his life, he feels he can move forward especially with his husband at his side. He believes his love for him will strengthen him and save him.

Wei Ying looks over at his sleeping husband, it is so unlike him to not be up before him. On closer inspection he notices slight dark circles under his eyes and a trail of dried tears on his cheeks. There is a small frown on his forehead. We Ying leans over and gently kisses the frown causing Lan Zhan to slowly open his eyes to see his husband hovering over him. He doesn't speak but his eyes are speaking for him. Wei Ying sees nothing but love and devotion in those golden eyes he loves so much.

"Lan Zhan I know you don't want me to say thank you but I have too. From the depths of my heart and soul Thank You. Thank you for loving me and for being here for me. Thank you for being my husband. Thank you for helping to heal my pain. I cherish and love you so much Lan Zhan that I truly cannot live without you nor do I want to try. Please don't cry anymore for me. You may cry for the young boy I was but no longer for me, now. I'm still broken but now because of you I can heal. Your love and devotion are my life lines and I promise to call for help and no longer suffer in silence."

Lan Zhan hugs his Wei Ying and whispers "I promise I will always be here for you. You are my life line as well, my life is empty without you in it." They kiss deeply, each conveying how much they need, want and love each other.

Suddenly Wei Ying's stomach begins to grumble loudly, "Again?, I swear I will get even with you one day!!" Lan Zhan chuckles and rises from the bed with Wei Ying still in his arms and swinging him around causing Wei Ying to squeal with laughter. "Stop, Lan Zhan, I'm getting dizzy," laughs Wei Ying. Lan Zhan puts him down and with one more deep kiss puts him sitting on the bed.

"Let's feed you then we need to go check on the child," says Lan Zhan. Wei Ying looks at Lan Zhan with a serious look on his face and he finally says "Husband, I would like the child to eat breakfast with us and maybe take him shopping for clothes and things. Please Lan Zhan."

Lan Zhan kisses Wei Ying's nose and cheeks, "My love you need not beg, I would do that and more for you." Wei Ying rises from the bed and hugs his husband tightly around the waist "You are the best, my love." So hand in hand they leave the room to collect the child.

After breakfast they went to another town so as not to encounter the angry man and his dogs again. By the time they returned it was late, after tucking Yuan in bed they went back to their own room. Lan Zhan had ordered food and bath water to be brought to their room. Once bathing and dinner was over they went to bed exhausted but happy. Finally Wei Ying felt peaceful and grateful that he truly had a wonderful husband who accepted him broken and all and still willing to be by his side. "Take that Madame Yu, someone does love me and he doesn't think of me as Worthless." So with a smile on his face he falls asleep in the strong arms of his husband feeling content and safe.

The morning came clear and bright and Wei Ying, seeing his husband still sleeping, made a swift decision. Before he could chicken out , he straddled his sleeping husband and whispered in Lan Zhan's ear "Love me Lan Zhan, I need you. I will not ask for you to hurt me, I promise. Please don't deny me my love."

Lan Zhan's eyes opened swiftly and he studied Wei Ying's face carefully and saw no sign of anxiety or pain. His cheeks are dusted with pink from blushing otherwise he seems fine. 'You sure, Wei Ying?

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