Chapter 17 Family

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Morning has come again, the day is warm and beautiful with the sun shining and birds singing. Lan Zhan's head is resting on his hand while he watches his husband sleep. He thanks the universe for bringing him into his life. Wei Ying has brought life, color, beauty and love into his life such as he has never known and he will be forever grateful for this gift. He will cherish and protect him always and forever.

Wei Ying feels a wetness on his face and opens his eyes to see Lan Zhan's tears. Wei Ying opens his arms and lays Lan Zhan against his heart, No one speaks. It wasn't necessary, they only needed to feel. After some time has passed, Wei Ying asks Lan Zhan, "Feel better now?"

Lan Zhan nods and kisses the lips he loves and will never tire of. The kiss was not deep or sensual but it conveyed all the love Lan Zhan possessed towards his Wei Ying. Wei Ying smiles against Lan Zhan's lips "Love you more my husband."

Lan Zhan shook his head no and began to tickle Wei Ying, "We shall see who loves more."

"Not fair" screams Wei YIng as he tries to run away, suddenly he stops and arches one eyebrow while folding his arms across his chest. "Shall we bet everyday means everyday against your tickling? To see who will be the winner?"

Lan Zhan immediately removes his hands from Wei Ying and pleads with his eyes "anything but that!!"

Wei Ying burst out laughing and cups Lan Zhan's face. "Husband I would never deny you that because that would mean I am denying myself as well and that will never happen."

So to prove his point he launches himself at Lan Zhan who does what comes naturally and catches Wei Ying in his arms and proceeds to love his Wei Ying over and over again. Time had no meaning to them and no one mattered except each other.

Later in the morning, Wei Ying's stomach begins to growl loudly, much to his embarrassment. Lan Zhan chuckles and dresses him and Wei Ying to face the day.

Before going downstairs to see Yuan, Wei Ying wraps his arms around Lan Zhan's waist and looks up at him with a serious look on his face. Lan Zhan, ever alerted, is concerned and holds Wei Ying tighter. Wei Ying smiles and kisses Lan Zhan.

"Lan Zhan, I really don't want to leave the child here. I know we're not the best parent material but I feel we could still be good parents to him and give him the love he deserves." Wei Ying shyly looks down so he doesn't see the look of love and gentle smile of his husband. "I already guessed you were thinking of keeping the child. I am not opposed to the idea. Shouldn't we ask him what he thinks first before assuming he wants to be with us? We were never given the right to choose anything during our childhood. Let's give him a chance to choose his own future, shall we?"

Wei Ying can hardly contain himself as he drags Lan Zhan down the stairs to talk to Yuan. In his excitement he flings open the door to Yuan's room only to find it empty. Immediately he panics "What if he's run away or worse yet the angry man came back to claim him? Wei Ying turns around right into Lan Zhan's broad chest, he grabs his robes "Lan Zhan, he's gone!!" he yells and sobs into Lan Zhan's arms.

"Shhh my love, he's not gone, the innkeeper has informed me he let the child play outside since it was such a nice day. He didn't feel right keeping the child in the room all day. Calm yourself and we will go see him. Lan Zhan wipes Wei Ying's tears and rubs circles on his back to calm him. After several moments "Ready my love?" Wei Ying bravely smiles and nods and after one last kiss for courage, the two leave to meet Yuan. They go to the yard and see the boy playing quietly by himself. Wei Ying calls softly to the child so as not to startle him and he looks up and cautiously smiles at him. "Will you sit here with me?" asks Wei Ying. Yuan looks at Lan Zhan who is standing behind Wei Ying and he slightly nods to the boy. So Yuan sits but he sits in a way that he can flee if need be. This does not go unnoticed by the adults.

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