Chapter 5 Let's start over

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The next morning, Wei Ying had a pounding headache. All his fears come rushing back and a small cry escapes his lips. Immediately Lan Zhan is awake and crushing Wei Ying to himself. He begins to rock Wei Ying like a baby.

Suddenly Wei Ying giggles "Lan Zhan, I'm not a baby." Lan Zhan's eyes look at him to disagree. "Okay, okay I'm your baby." giggles Wei Ying again. Lan Zhan, satisfied with his answer, smiles. The kind of smile that lit up his whole face.

Wei Ying is amazed yet again how beautiful he is and how lucky he is here in Lan Zhan's arms.

Lan Zhan kisses him slowly and carefully, since Wei Ying's lips are still bruised and cut. He lifts Wei Ying to his lap, "Let's leave here today and go to the city. We will visit all your favorite places and you can eat all your favorite foods. It will only be the two of us for as long as you like."

Wei Ying jumps off Lan Zhan's lap and begins jumping up and down on the bed wildly. Causing Lan Zhan to chuckle at the sight of Wei Ying.

"Really, truly? You are the best husband ever!!" He screams and laughs at the same time. He grabs Lan Zhan's hand Hurry, lets go fast, let's go!!"

Lan Zhan chuckles again and pulls Wei Ying back onto his lap. He touches Wei Ying's nose with his index finger "No, first you will bathe and I will pack so that we can stay as long as you like." Wei Ying grabs Lan Zhan's face and covers it with kisses and shouts "I love you, I love you." He then looks deeply into Lan Zhan's eyes and soon his kisses become more intense, more sensual. Almost as soon as it began it stopped because Lan Zhan was gently pushing him away. He doesn't want to stop but he's not ready yet and he doesn't want to bring harm to Wei Ying again.

Wei Ying looks at Lan Zhan with a question in his eyes. He is clearly hurt. "Lan Zhan?"

Lan Zhan looks down and says nothing for a moment. Finally in a voice barely above a whisper "You haven't recovered yet from last night. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

Wei Ying looks at Lan Zhan in sadness and with tears threatening "I'm sorry, so very sorry." He starts to rise from the bed but Lan Zhan stops him, he cannot let him go.

"I love you beyond reason. I will always, always want you but I hate myself when I hurt you. Even more when you ask me to." He looks down and he can't look at Wei Ying at this moment, "Especially when you ask me to hurt you. I only want to please you but not in that way. The pain you always seem to need scares me. Can you understand that? I don't want to become a monster to you or myself. To become someone I don't even recognize. I'm scared, what if I can't come back from that?"

Wei Ying is stunned. He never, ever thought what he was doing either consciously or unconsciously was hurting Lan Zhan. "My poor husband, what have I done.? How to stop this?"

Wei Ying smiles through his tears. "We're quite a messy pair aren't we?

Lan Zhan smiles back, "Yes, but we are a pair. We belong together. We will find a way together to stop hurting each other." Wei Ying walks up to Lan Zhan and strokes his face "Why are you so good to me? What do you see in me?"

Lan Zhan cups his face and looks Wei Ying straight in the eyes "Only my life, my reason for living and my happiness. I cannot live without you." He softly kisses Wei ying then turns him around and lightly taps his backside "Now no more tears from either of us. Go get ready, From now on only fun and happiness."

Wei Ying turns back to Lan Zhan and slightly bows and says "Yes my love." while skipping away giggling and shaking his backside to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan chuckles and sighs "Wei Ying, you will be the death of me."

As they leave the jingshi Wei YIng shyly holds out his hand to Lan Zhan who grasps it firmly in his. Lan Zhan without taking his eyes off his husband, slowly raises their clasped hands to his lips. With the lightest of kisses, he kisses each knuckle then slowly he turns Wei Ying's palm over and lightly brushes it with his lips "Lan Zhan" Wei YIng whispers. His whole body shivers in delight and his knees begin to buckle.

He braces himself against Lan Zhan's body, "Wei Ying likes?" asked Lan Zhan huskily with the tiniest of smirks on his face. All Wei Ying can do is slowly nod his head yes. He is so full of emotions, finally he softly said "What are you doing?"

Lan Zhan chuckles and smiles "I'm courting my lover."

"But Lan Zhan, we're already married" whined Wei Ying.

"My Wei Ying was never courted properly. I want to do so now" says Lan Zhan, his voice thick with emotion.

Wei Ying almost stopped breathing and with his face a beautiful shade of pink he whines again "Lan Zhan." He then hides his face against Lan Zhan's robes. Lan Zhan with a full smile lifts Wei Ying, bridal style and kisses him senseless.

"Shall I carry you or do you want to walk?" snickers Lan Zhan.

"I - I c- can walk Lan Zhan" stutters Wei Ying. His brain is going blank with all this attention.

Lan Zhan laughs and says "No, I will carry." He called Bichen and while holding his treasure firmly in his arms they both get on to fly sword to their next destination.

As they fly up to the sky, Wei Ying lifts his face towards the sun. It warms both his heart and his face. His eyes are closed and his lips are slightly parted. He takes a deep cleansing breath and lets out the smallest sigh.

Lan Zhan is mesmerized by the beauty that is Wei Ying. "Is it possible to fall even more in love? Up to now he didn't think so but now he's not so sure anymore. This image will stay in his heart forever. As he holds Wei Ying in his arms, he will hold him in his heart for all lifetimes.

Wei Ying turns his head to Lan Zhan and asks "May I ask Bichen for a favor?" Lan Zhan raises one eyebrow, clearly surprised but then nods his head "Mn" What could he possibly ask of Bichen?

Wei Ying's smile rivals the sun, "Bichen, fly faster and higher than you ever have. Can you do this for me? I want to see the whole world, I want to touch the Sun. Please do this for me." he happily shouts.

Bichen is more than happy to comply, he is tired of being safe and boring. Bichen mind links with Lan Zhan. "Hold our partner tightly, brace yourself."

Lan Zhan is confused as he thinks, "Our partner?" Before another thought passes Bichen is soaring towards the sun through and around clouds. The shouts of joy he heard from Wei Ying only increased his happiness as well. He flys faster and higher than he has ever been allowed before. If he could, his smile could rival that of Wei Ying's.

Wei Ying feeling Bichen's joy squeals even louder for the both of them, pure happiness and joy on his face. "My beautiful Bichen, thank you!!" Lan Zhan is both happy and jealous at the same time. "I have never been jealous of my own sword before, what is wrong with me?" He feels some sadness that he was not the one who brought such joy to his beloved just now.

Wei Ying turns his face towards Lan Zhan and softly kisses him, "My love, Bichen is a part of you, he holds your spirit as well. Bichen is you and you are him. So please don't be jealous. I love you and everything that belongs to you. That said, I love you most."

Lan Zhan nods and kisses Wei Ying back but secretly he's thinking "Bichen and I need to have a talk. There is no our partner. He is mine and mine alone, I will not share Wei Ying with anything or anyone , Never!!"

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