Chapter 10 Present Day

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Coming back to reality the shop owner brushes his tears away and walks back to the front of the shop. Once there he witnesses Wei Ying kiss Lan Zhan on the lips and Lan Zhan responds by brushing his knuckles across Wei Ying's cheeks and the tiniest of smiles crosses his lips. This brings both pain and happiness witnessing their love. How he misses Wang ZI and his gentle caresses. He returns back inside the store, he can't bear to watch any longer.

With his back to the street he doesn't notice someone has entered his shop. When he finally turns around he sees the cold cultivator seemingly looking at his books but in reality he is keeping a close eye on the fire one. On closer inspection the cultivator dressed in white appears cold, hard and deadly. Suddenly the fire cultivator runs past the shop and blows kisses to the ice one, all the while giggling. The cold one tells him to be careful and stop running but in a soft gentle tone. Quite unlike his demeanor. He then turns around to look inside the shop and the owner gasps, his eyes, they're amber!! This can't be!!

Lan Zhan is stunned, he has never seen amber eyes outside his clan. Who is this man? The owner immediately knows they are related. Lan Chen says "Clearly you are from Gusu and from the main family as well". Lan Zhan nods his head and is clearly confused "As are you". Lan Chen asks "What is your name, young man?" Lan Zhan is wary so he simply says " I'm related to Lan Qiren".

Lan Qiren, that hated name, has come into his life again. He clenches both his fist and takes a deep breath. His memory hits him hard. Lan Qiren his reason for leaving Gusu, his family and friends. But most importantly, the reason Xue he bing killed himself.

Lan Zhan, watching the shop owner's face and clenched fists, places his hand on Bichen. Lan Chen looks again at Lan Zhan. This young man could kill him easily with either deadly looks or with his sword. He softly chuckles "Young man, do you think I could harm you in any way?" Lan Zhan's ears turn a shade of pink and he removes his hand from Bichen.

Suddenly an angelic voice is heard "Lan Zhan are you in here? Lan Zhan, please answer me!!" Wei Ying is beginning to panic a little.

"I am here Wei Ying" says Lan Zhan as he swiftly turns to give his husband his full attention. Wei Ying throws himself at Lan Zhan and hugs him tightly.

"I forgot where you were and I got scared," says Wei Ying as he places his face against his husband's chest. Lan Zhan embraces him and tries to calm Wei Ying. "Shh, it's alright, I'm here. Are you ok ? Did someone try to harm you?" He strokes Wei Ying's hair to further calm him.

"I'm hungry Lan Zhan" whines Wei Ying. Lan Zhan chuckles, he knows his beloved has already tried half the food stalls out there but he will never tell his heart no. He kisses Wei Ying's nose and gives him some money to buy sweets for now. "Don't eat too much, we still must have dinner later." says Lan Zhan sternly but with a smile in his eyes and beautiful lips which Wei Ying cannot resist. So he steps on tip toes and gives a kiss to those lips he loves so much. Before Lan Zhan can respond Wei Ying skips away giggling.

Lan Zhan warns "Stay close Wei Ying, do not become lost again. I will meet you soon." Wei Ying blows him a kiss at the store entrance. Before he leaves he turns around and gives Lan Zhan one of his brilliant smiles that rivals the sun. Lan Zhan is momentarily blinded and sees nothing but his husband. Soon he hears a discreet cough.

Lan Chen cautiously approaches Lan Zhan from behind. He couldn't control his curiosity any longer. "Who is that beautiful young man to you?" Lan Zhan's eyes narrow and Bichen is out before Lan Chen knows it. He stutters " I - I - meant no harm I swear. I was just curious." Never taking his eyes off him, he lowers Bichen and coldly states "He is my husband."

Lan Chen's jaw drops open and he chokes suddenly. He begins to pepper Lan Zhan with questions, "Did I hear you right? Your husband? Do you live in Gusu? Is Lan Qiren still alive and who is ruling Cloud Recess? Is your marriage even allowed in Gusu?

Lan Zhan puts Bichen away and his cold, hard face returns "We do live in Gusu and Uncle Qiren is ruling and he's making it difficult for my husband and myself, that's why we left Gusu for a while."

Now Lan Chen thinks he knows the reason he was left behind. To help this couple survive this cruel world and Gusu. To help them survive and maybe rise above Lan QIren. He looks Lan Zhan in the eyes and says "Young man we need to talk. I won't keep you long but there is a secret you must be told if you and your husband are to survive Gusu and this cruel world. Will you listen?"

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