Chapter 13 A-Yuan

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They were finally within sight of a village but still not having reached Caiyi town, they had decided to try and spend the night here before continuing on their journey. They had taken their time returning to Lotus Inn in Caiyi town, enjoying their new sense of togetherness. Wei Ying was busy chattering away and Lan Zhan just listening to the sound of the voice he loves so much. Upon approaching the inn they had noticed, their joy in each other was suddenly shattered.

They heard yelling and crying which stirred them forward quickly to investigate. What they saw angered Lan Zhan and made Wei Ying become frozen with fear. For ahead of them a small child lying in the street being beaten by a large man and several dogs snarling as if waiting their turn at the child.

The child is small, very thin and covered in bruises and cuts. He is trying to protect himself by folding his little body into a fetal position. The large man is kicking the child wherever he can do the most damage. The dogs sensing the end is near are getting closer and braver in trying to reach the boy. Before Lan Zhan could move towards the child he hears a strangled cry that comes from the very depth of Wei Ying's soul. His eyes are glazed over and he begins shaking and trembling in fear. Lan Zhan quickly realizes that his beloved is in the throes of a panic attack, having been witness to many of them in the past.

He wants to help the child but his Wei Ying comes first. Then Lan Zhan is beyond shock when Bichen, on its own accord, places himself between the boy and the angry man. Bichen had its point at the man's throat. Using this diversion Lan Zhan picks up his beloved who is weeping uncontrollably and clinging to Lan Zhan for dear life.

Lan Zhan growls at the man "Let the child go, Now!! as neither myself or my sword has any patience for the likes of you." The man steps back fearfully but he is angry he will lose face. Lan Zhan looks at the small boy "Can you walk?" The boy looks to the angry man and then to Lan Zhan. He nods his head, Lan Zhan then says "Follow me quickly." He really needs to leave now as Wei Ying is still a mess.

As they turn to leave, the man becomes bold and begins to yell at Lan Zhan "Who will compensate me for my loss?" Bichen moves in closer and draws blood on the man's neck. The man finally runs away and Bichen returns to Lan Zhan's side.

Upon reaching the Inn, Lan Zhan tells the innkeeper to care for the boy while he takes his husband upstairs. "See to the child's needs, I will handle the details tomorrow. The innkeeper nods to Lan Zhan and takes the child while Lan Zhan rushes upstairs. Once in the room, he sits on the floor gently rocking his trembling and crying husband.

He whispers over and over "Wei Ying beloved, you are safe, no harm will come to you. I promise, I will always protect you." He wants to wipe away Wei Ying's tears but Wei Ying won't allow it. So he continues rocking Wei Ying and stroking his hair and back until only sniffling and the occasional hiccup is left. Sofly Lan Zhan murmurs against Wei Ying's temple "Are you alright now my love?" Wei Ying's teary eyes look up at Lan Zhan as he whispers "Don't leave me, promise me." while clutching his husband's robes.

Lan Zhan kisses his Wei Ying, "Will you be alright if I arrange a bath and food for you. I will even have the food brought here to our room." Wei Ying nods slowly then grabs Lan Zhan's hand "Hurry please, I don't want to be alone." Lan Zhan hugs him tightly. "Promise my love, I will hurry." Wei Ying brings Lan Zhan's hand to his cheek and bravely tries to smile at him. While Lan Zhan makes arrangements, he also checks on the boy who is sleeping comfortably. He looked cute all cleaned up and again asked the innkeeper to keep an eye on the child. He rushes back to his beloved to keep his promise.

Wei Ying pouts "You took far too long my husband, am I not important enough to you?" Lan Zhan immediately places his beloved in his favorite spot, his lap and begins to gently rock his body with his baby in his arms. "I'm sorry Lan Zhan, that nasty insecurity took over my thoughts again. I thought I had gotten past this."

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