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It's been 5 days since the last time I met and talked to Freen. I haven't heard any news about her since then. I tried to all her few times but she didn't answer. I started to doubt on her sincerity. Irin told me that maybe she's no longer serious about us after few attempts of call. It could be a sign that she lost interest in me.

Maybe I'm just so plain and boring, hats why she didn't make an effort to contact me. To be honest I've been in a mess, I miss talking to her and I don't know why. Although it's just 2 day we spent time together, I never felt like this to anyone, like being so attached. She's the only person that I'm comfortable with and I'm free to express whenever I want and now shen she's not around I felt like something is missing. Perhaps I like the attention that she gave me.

Freen happen.. I was thinking so hard, did I make a mistake the other day? She's so silent and I feel so frustrated. I wish I wasn't blind so I can find her.

- Becca, maye you should forget about her, she probably just toying you. - Irin stated.

I just sighed listening to her suggestion. I don't know, why am I so thirsty over her affection, maybe because I never received this kind of feeling for a very long time. I was still hoping she will see me again. I'm sure she have some valid explanation on this.


Irin can you help me call Freen again, please. - I'm so desperate and I don't care.

- Becca just quit already, she didn't even put an effort to speak to you again. Iesn just think about it, a young, rich and beautiful woman like Freen, why would she want to get close to someone average like us. - Irin whined. Besides it's been 5 days, don't you get the hint? - she added.

- I'm sure she has a valid reason to this. - I tried to comfort myself.


My clock is making a sound saying that it's 10 in the evening and I was in my bedroom alone. I can't sleep again tonight, all I could think about is just Freen. How is she doing? Does she still remember me? Is this the end of our connection? There are so many question playing in my mind. Maybe Irin was right, I should stop all of this, I shouldn't waiting for something that is unsure and if I keep seeing like this, I'm just gonna get hurt.

Few minutes later I made my way to the kitchen to drink some water and my dog bonbon was rubbing at my legs, purring. While drinking my water, I heard someone talking at the front door. I tried to eavesdrop. Well, that person seems to be talking on the phone, she sounds familiar, exactly like Freen's voice. Nervous started to creep on me. Why would she came here so late. I couldn't contain my excitement after hearing her voice and without hesitation I opened the door.
