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Finally Heng arrived at the Cafe. I can't wait to ask for help! I'm literally in panic after what had happened today at the bakery shop. I can't wait to find the truth behind all of this mess.

"You're late!!" I almost shout at Heng who is calmly taking a sit Infront of me.
"Yikes! Calm down.. what's going on?" He g replied. "Heng, I really need your help" I'm getting impatient, my breath is heavy.
"Okay, what is it?" He asked while still calmly looking at the menu in the table. For some reason I felt annoyed with the way she treated me. How can he be so calm when he saw my states like this. Heng, I'm having trouble right here! I really want smack his head but I need her help, I gotta be nice. "There's this one girl, I need her complete information, from her full name to her back ground. Everything!" I elaborate. "Huh?! Hey I cant just do it like that, it will be unprofessional of me to just dig on someone's information when it's not even related to my job, I'm sorry Becca but I can't." He replied. Calmly he waved her hand  to call the waiter. My god I really can't with him insensitive ass, I'm literally in trouble here but he's so relaxed.

" Heng please, only this one time! You know I never ask any favour from you. It's important!" In desperation I beg. I almost teared up. "Becca... I might get in trouble if my colleagues found out" he responded.
"Heng please, okay here's the deal. I promise I'll give you 30% discount in my boutique for a whole year." I tried my best to change his mind. He seems to think for a second, her index finger is tapping his chin while his eyes are looking on the ceiling. God he's so damn annoying. After few minutes, he answered with a smile. "Deal" I felt relieved. I swear once everything is done I'm gonna smack his head so hard.

That night, I told him everything about the delivery girl named Freen. He asked me to give him a week to gather all the information.


1 week has passed. Impatiently, I waited for Heng to show up in my boutique's office. I can't wait to read the information about that delivery girl. I didn't dare to visit that bakery cause I'm afraid I might mistaken that delivery girl is my Freen. But I admit, I did stalk her a couple of times from a far. You know just to clear my eyes and bless my soul.

Few days ago, I met Nop. I decided to call us a break. I can't be ignorant with my feelings, I can't pretend to love him when my heart is still into Freen. I'm glad he understood, though at first he wanted me to give us more time and chance, but I'm firm with my decision. I don't want him to hope. Cause he's just going to hurt himself.

Few minutes past, Heng is still hasn't arrived. Does he always like this?  He really like testing my patience! He promised to be here soon. I literally fell asleep in my desk while waiting for him.

I'm shocked and wide awake the moment I heard loud thud sounds coming rim my desk. Apparently it Heng's doing. It seems like he intentionally slammed the document file on the desk to wake me up from my peaceful sleep. He's such a bitch! I look at my watch and he is 2 hours late! I want to choke him!!!

But since I asked him a favor, I have to restrain myself from harming him. He started to speak. "Becca this is so weird, why would you ask someone's information that you already know, you're really wasting my time." He left shortly leaving me dumfounded.

What does he mean by that? I'm growing impatient, my heart started to beat fast, immediately I tore the envelope and started to read the information in front of me. From her name, to her age, to her job. My tears started to fall as soon as I saw a piece of information stating that she funded my eyes surgery. My lips trembling, and my eyes hurting from crying.

I'm sobbing so hard once I saw a piece of information about her getting sentenced to 7 years in prison for embezzlement. And it was on the same day of my operation day. The day Freen disappeared. So that delivery girl is MY FREEN, MY BABE! I cried in silence, I'm speechless. My heart is aching and I almost couldn't breathe. Freen, I'm sorry. I didn't know you're suffering so much. I feel guilty.

After calming myself down, immediately I leave my office. I decided to drive my car heading to Freen's current home. I really need to see her now.