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fluttered open, she jumped back and sat up properly when she saw four strange men hovering over her.

One had light brown hair, which was middle parted and styled perfectly, his lips were plumped and a soft pink colour, his eyes were big with a dog-like sense.

The one standing directly in front of Dohee had a dark green tinge to his hair, his eyes were big and doe'd, he was very tall and showed a sharp stare.

One of the boys showed a soft smile, his hair was a light pink and his features were soft, his eyes reminded Dohee of a fox's and his cheeks were rounded due to his huge grin.

There was a boy sat on the sofa beside Dohee, his hair was brown, and he had a sloped nose which had a small mole beside it. He was undeniably good-looking but his gaze was harsh and it made Dohee feel uncomfortable.

The last one stood tall with his arms crossed over his chest, his hair was blonde with dark roots, and he had a small mole on his chin. Dohee thought he seemed the scariest.

"Good morning." The brunette sang out with a smirk. Then the double wooden doors behind them swung open, a familiar yet strange man walked in and Jay stood directly behind him, he had his head hung low and a shameful look on his face.

"I'm your guardian now and you're my priority." The brunette spoke out and stood in between the five boys surrounding Dohee.

"What?" The scared teenage girl questioned, her heart practically beating out of her chest.

"You drank my blood, so that makes me your guardian." He clarified and tilted his head upwards.

His hair was brown and sectioned in the middle, his skin was a tanned colour, his eyes were large and cat-like.

Suddenly, Dohee remembered the events from the night before and brought her shaky hand up to neck. When she pulled it away the blood from her neck stained her hand.

The blonde boy tensed up and turned away from the girl - now staring up at the many bookshelves.

"Y-you attacked me!" She yelled and pointed at Jay, she shot up from the brown leathered sofa and kept her hand covering her bleeding wound. Jay dodged her eyes and kept staring at the ground - while one of his hands scratched the back of his neck.

"And I saved you. So now you obey to me." The brunette said and pushed her to sit back down.

Dohee was only now realising that he was the same guy who caught her as she fell. "Your gonna die tonight." The green haired boy spoke up.

Dohee's eyes snapped up to him and panic washed over her features. "You can't prevent it from happening either, but there is away you can still be around and carry on like you're living."

"Stop it Heeseung, you're confusing her." The pink haired boy scolded and patted the taller males chest to push him back.

"Last night, in the alleyway. Jay bit you, his intention was to kill you but I stopped that from happening."

"What are you on about? Are you guys a cannibal tribe or something?" She wondered, her chest beginning to heave and her head starting to pound.

"We're vampires. And you can be one too - if you feed." The blonde spoke up from the corner of the room, he was now leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Vampires? They don't exist." She mumbled, she stood back off the sofa and made a run for the double doors. Before she could leave the brunette boy appeared in front of her.

"H-how did you-" she muttered and shakily stepped back, she stumbled backwards and bumped into someone behind her.

The brown haired boy from the sofa wrapped his arms around her and kept her still. " hurry up, Jungwon, she won't stop moving." He grumbled.

Jungwon scoffed and grabbed ahold of her hand, he pulled off her rings and tossed them to the ground. "What are you doing?" Dohee screeched and tried to free herself.

"Your rings are filled with vervain, they'll burn you when you turn. Wear this ring instead." He mumbled and slid a silver bulky ring onto her index finger.

"What is it?" She questioned, her voice trembling. The male holding her now let go and slightly pushed her forward.

"It's a daylight ring, It will allow you to walk in the sun." He answered, his face looking gloomy.

"Let's go." The pink haired boy softly spoke and placed his hand on her shoulder. "The suns setting, you don't have much time."

Suddenly, everything went black and when Dohee opened her eyes again she was standing outside of a club.

"No! Let go of me!" A girl screamed and tried to yank herself free from the males tight grip.

"Go on, get him." Jungwon whispered in her ear from behind. Dohee slightly jumped and glanced back at him, a sudden urge to feed overtook her and a want turned into a must.

She walked over to the couple and gripped the man by his shoulder - throwing him to the ground, she was much stronger than before.

"What the hell man? What's your problem?" He yelled and dusted himself off. Dohee couldn't hold back any longer and raced over to him, her teeth sunk into his neck as he screamed and used his knees to try and kick her off.

Jungwon on the other hand could only chuckle at the scene, he slowly approached the shaky girl on the ground and bent down to her face.

"Forget about tonight, you both parted ways and you went home, you never saw him again." He used his compulsion to manipulate the girl.

"I never saw him again..." she mumbled before standing up and walking off into the distance.

When Jungwon turned around he was met with the sight of the man laying down dead on the ground, and a crying Dohee sat beside him.

"It's ok, it's what we have to do." He comforted and patted her shoulder. The raven haired girl looked up at him with her red glossy eyes, she bowed her head and let out more sobs.

"I-I don't want to live forever." She cried out and wiped her tears in her sleeve. Jungwon sadly smiled, and wrapped his arm over her shoulder.

"Let's go back home." He whispered into her ear before making the two vanish again.

Sora & Sunghoon PoV 👉🏼 -saebyeok

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