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where everyone sat around talking, they all looked up at him with a worried expression.

"They've taken Dohee, the Fiend Coven have taken her." He yelled and pulled on his hair in frustration.

"Wait what? How do you know that?" Jungwon panicked and shot up from his seat.

"I saw them, Soobin and Taehyun. They took here." He quickly spoke.

"Soobin and Taehyun...?" Sora muttered to herself, unsure if they were the same people she had not long befriended.

"Dohee went to the bathroom and she never came back, I noticed how long she had been gone for and when I turned around, that's when I saw them." He rambled - coming to sit down to control his nerves.

Sora stood up and began to pace around the room, "do they have a secret hideout?" She asked - desperate to find her best friend.

Sunghoon came behind her and placed one hand on her back, he brushed her hair back and soothingly rubbed her shoulder. "Let's go." He whispered.

"I'm taking Sora home." He announced, everyone nodded in response before carrying on with suggestions on how to get Dohee back.

Once Sunghoon and Sora had left, Jungwon burst out crying and held his head in his hands. "What is she turns out like Sarang, what if they make Dohee go through what Sarang had to." He sobbed.

Heeseung rubbed his back and reassured him, "they won't, it's a completely different situation. She'll be fine, she fights well."

Dohee woke up feeling a tightness around her wrists, when she looked down she saw black thick chains.

The ground was dirty and covered in fallen dust, the walls were grey brick and there was no windows in sight.

Dohee felt as though she would suffocate, when she yanked on the chains she felt a burning sensation float through her.

The chains were covered in vervain, making his almost impossible for her to break free.

Four males walked out from the dark shadows, Dohee felt betrayed once she caught their faces.

Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun, and Kai. She scoffed and shook her head in disbelief, "why?" She muttered - staring intensely at the ground.

"Oh don't start sobbing, you won't be alone for long." Taehyun snickered, "oh look here they come now."

Beomgyu came rushing down the stone stairs before throwing the body he held in his arms down on the ground.

Dohee's eyes widened when she saw that it was Sora, the raven haired girl tried to rush over to the girl - but the vervain laced traced only yanked her back and burned her wrists.

"Calm down, don't waste all your energy." Soobin commented before moving over to help Beomgyu chain the brunette girl up.

After a few minutes, Sora began to stir awake. "Sora! Are you ok?" Dohee panicked.

𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑶𝑳 > Jungwon Where stories live. Discover now