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out." Heeseung objected, Ni-Ki scoffed and slouched back in his chair.

"Me too." Jungwon agreed.

"Everything we have done up until now has been for Sora, we did all of it for her blood." Ni-Ki pointed out and Jake shook his head in disbelief.

"We've hung out with Sora, we've befriended her, why do you still want to kill her?" Jake exclaimed.

"Let's do a voting." Jungwon declared.
The rest of them nodded while Ni-Ki huffed and puffed.

"Raise your hand for sticking to the plan."

Only one person raised their hand, and when Ni-Ki saw that no one else was he couldn't help but stand up and leave the room.

"So it's settled. We forget about the plan." Heeseung announced proudly, the boys all quietly clapped amongst themselves and shared grateful smiles.

"Jungwon, have you heard from Dohee?" Sunoo wondered, changing the topic.

"Not yet, I'm hoping to speak with her later." He sadly spoke.

Heeseung reached over and patted his back, "Her humanity has only just switched back on, her emotions will be going all over the place for the next few days - give her time." He encouraged.

Dohee walked into the college building with her head hung low, all of her memories had come flooding back to her at once.

She remembers killing her parents and every detail on how it happened, she also remembers her fight with Tara and the outcome, something she most regrets is how she attacked Sora and the look in Sora's eyes.

"Dohee! You're back." Jo yelled and tackled her into a hug, she accepted it but stood still - allowing him to wrap his arms around her as he squeezed tightly.

"Where have you been?" He wondered with worry lingering in his tone.

"I've been around, I just needed to deal with some things." She spoke with a shrug - her voice completely monotone.

"Follow me." He whispered with a soft smile and grabbed onto her hand, before pulling her along.

He lead her to a small room, a pool table stood presentably in the middle of the room and a few back leather sofas were scattered around.

Yuma was stood lent against the pool table with a cue stick in his hands, he looked over at the twos direction.

"What is this?" She asked and looked around.

"It's where our pack hangs out, just like how you guys hang in the library." Jo proudly informed her.

"Hey, Dohee. Why do you look so down?" Yuma asked, raising his left brow.

Dohee shrugged and suddenly had to urge to hide herself, she knew she looked a mess and was now feeling insecure due to it.

Jo gave him threatening eyes and clenched his jaw. "Why don't we play some pool?" He suggested and held out a cue stick.

Instead of taking it, Dohee shook her head and stared up at the taller male. "I'm not feeling it, sorry Jo. I think I might just go." She spoke.

Dohee turned around to leave when Jo caught her wrist, "are you going back to them?" He worriedly asked.

Dohee yanked her wrist back and shoved her hands deep inside of her pockets, "why does that concern you?" She questioned before spinning around on her heel and exiting to room.

As she walked down the halls a shoulder barged into her - sending her to the floor.

The hallway was empty, so how could they of bumped into her. Due to the overwhelming stress and emotions inside of her, instead of standing she stayed on the ground and burst out crying.

"I'm so sorry." The male quickly apologised and held out his hand for her to take.

"Miss? Are you ok?" He said in concern. "Taehyun, help me." He whisper yelled to the other boy beside him.

Both of the strangers helped pull her off of the ground, the taller male brushed off her jacket and bowed in respect.

"I'm deeply sorry for knocking you over." He spoke out, Dohee looked up at their faces and crinkled her eyebrows together.

"Are you guys knew?" She wondered and wiped her snotty nose - from all of her crying.

"Yes, actually we are. Do you mind taking us to the cafeteria?" The taller asked.

His hair was black and flat on his head, his lips were plumped and his eyes were doed.

The guy standing beside him had dyed blonde hair, his eyes had the vibe that he was staring in space and his jaw was sharp, he looked into Dohee's eyes deeply and flashed a toothy smile.

"Sure." Dohee shrugged and started to walk as they followed closely behind her.

Dohee pushed open the doors and turned around to face them, "here it is." She said and went to walk past them, when they both grabbed onto her wrist.

"Sit with us." The shorter insisted. She hesitantly nodded before following them over to a table where two other guys sat.

One had a black middle parting and the other had white hair. The boy with white hair looked mixed race and definitely wasn't fully Korean.

"This is Yeojun." The tall male said while pointing at the black haired boy, he raised his eyebrows and nodded towards Dohee's direction.

"This is kai." They introduced and pointed to the white haired Boy.

"Nice to meet you." He gleamed and reached out to shake her hand.

"I'm Soobin and this is Taehyun." The taller one said, "there is one more of us who's name is Beomgyu, but he isn't here right now." He mentioned and sat down comfortably in his seat.

"Would you like one?" Kai asked had showed her a juice carton. Dohee slowly nodded and took it from him with a thankful nod.

"How long have you guys been in town?" She questioned, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Just a little while." Taehyun answered with a warm smile. "Have you lived here your whole life?" He wondered.

"Yeah, I grew up here with my best friend." She quietly answered - noticing how they all turned to look at her.

"Sora, right?"


𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑶𝑳 > Jungwon Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ