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breath and shut his locker, he had told the others to go ahead without him so that he could collect himself.

Even though it was just a regular football game, he found himself more nervous than ever - and he knew that it was down to the fact that Dohee would be watching.

He exited the changing rooms and walked down the empty hallway, he caught sight of Dohee who was also making her way outside.

"Dohee!" He called out and began to jog up to her. She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him, a bright smile lifted onto her face and she couldn't help but feel happier.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on the field?" She wondered.

Jungwon nodded with a small shrug, "I told the others to go without me." He answered. "how come you're here? Shouldn't you be on the bleachers?" He questioned with a smirk, looking down at her with fondness.

"I'm just getting my bottle." She responded with a smile and held up her black flask.

Dohee turned back around and pushed open the double doors, when Jungwon suddenly hooked his finger through her jean belt loop and brought her back - spinning her around to face him.

"Jungwon-?" She stuttered in shock and felt her cheeks heat up. Jungwon grabbed ahold of her hand and opened it up.

"Here." He muttered and placed his daylight ring in then centre of her palm. "You can give it back to me and the end of the game if you accept my confession. If not... then leave it in my changing room locker." He informed and closed her hand over the ring.

Dohee stared up at him with a flustered expression, Jungwon caught her eyes and looked deeply into them before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Wish me luck." He whispered and pushed open the doors before joining the others on the field - who were calling after him and scolding him for being so late.

Dohee took a moment to realise what had just happened, she softly gasped and touched the area on her cheek that he had kissed. She glanced down at his ring in her hand and felt her heart do flips, she tried to calm herself down before also leaving the building.

Once she sat down beside Sora the girl turned to look at her, "why are your cheeks so rosey?" She asked with a goofy smile.

"It's just a little hot." Dohee lied and pretended to fan herself down.

Both Sora and Dohee were now standing up and cheering the boys on. Sora clapped while jumping up and down for Sunghoon.

Sunghoon quickly passed the ball to N-Ki when Ej came charging at him. The younger caught the ball in his grip and went to race off, when a foot was placed in front of him and he came crashing down to the ground.

Ni-Ki let out a painful groan and glanced up to see Ma-Ki standing with a smirk.

"Ref." Jay shouted and helped the blonde up to his feet, the referee created a cross with his hands and shook his head before blowing the whistle - indicating for them to get back into position.

Ni-Ki felt the rage build up inside of him and found it hard to control. He shook himself out of Jay's protective grip and harshly shoved Ma-Ki to the floor.

The werewolf quickly shot back to his feet and pushed Ni-Ki back, who then went stumbling into Jay's chest.

"K, come and put your dog on a leash." Jay yelled over to the dark haired male, who stood looking disappointed.

"Watch your mouth, Park." He spat out and began to walk closer to the seven vampires.

Dohee sighed and looked over at Sora, who was staring worriedly at Sunghoon. "He'll be fine, you shouldn't worry so much." Dohee reassured with a teasing smile and nudge.

As the two groups fought, heavy rain began to pour down - Soaking everyone who stood outside.

Dohee's head began to feel like it was being crushed, as if her skull was tightening around her brain.

She let out a wince and clutched onto her head, a groan escaped her lips as she tried to keep quiet.

Nicholas sent a punch to Ni-Ki's face, which caused the boy to drop to the floor and yell in pain. The rain splattered onto his skin which felt like fire and his mind started to go foggy.

The nine wolves stood around confused, Jay was the next to drop and cry out in pain.

Jungwon groaned before helping Jay back to his feet and assisting him while he walked.

Heeseung collected Ni-Ki from the ground, the blonde boy cried into the elders side as the pain increased every second.

"Are you ok?" Sora asked in confusion, she gently tapped Dohee on the shoulder and tried to look into her eyes - which was difficult as the girl had her head down while her hair covered her face.

"Dohee, come with me." Jungwon called out and reached for the girl. He grabbed onto her shaky hand and pulled her into his chest while he had held of Jay with his other hand.

"Sora, go help Sunghoon." He ordered and gestured to the brunette boy who was kneeling on the grass while holding his head.

"Why are they all like this?" Sora freaked as she was already half way down the steps and racing towards Sunghoon.

"It's the rain." Jungwon answered.

Jungwon brought Dohee to the library and sat her down on the sofa, the shaking girl breathed heavily and pulled on her hair as the pain drove her mad.

Jay slid down the wall and tried to calm himself down, his eyes kept switching from red to regular - he felt his heart skip beats and take double beats.

The doors swung open again and Heeseung came in with Ni-Ki under his arm.

Ni-Ki released himself from Heeseung's grip and dropped to the ground, Sunoo and Sora both came running in while holding onto Sunghoon.

"Take Sora away." Sunghoon groaned - afraid to turning vampires could be a danger towards her.

"I'm not going to leave you guys." She refused and gently set him down, "Dohee, are you ok?" She worried.

Dohee's face was covered in hot tears, her chest was heaving and she was finding it hard to communicate.

"She's good, it's her first rain change so it'll be a little harder for her." Jungwon answered for her while his fingers soothingly traced circles on her thigh.

Jungwon grabbed his jacket from the back of the sofa and wrapped it around her shoulders, "you're still soaking wet." He softly commented and brushed her loose strands of hair out of her face.

"I feel so weak." She sobbed, Jungwon smiled softly before pushing her head down onto his chest and carrying on brushing her hair back.


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