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𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊

of Dohee while she leaned against the kitchen counter. "So Sunghoon's taking her out right now?" She asked.

"Yeah, and then she will officially become a vampire." Jungwon responded with a soft nod.

"How is everyone else? Have they healed?" Dohee wondered.

"Most have." He muttered, "Jake's stomach wound will take a little longer due to the claws that were used." He briefed her.

Dohee nodded and looked at the ground with a gloomy expression. Jungwon sighed and held both sides of her face with his large hands, he gently smile before planting a delicate kiss on her nose.

She let out a small giggle and gripped onto the bottom of his baggy black shirt. Her cheeks lit up a crimson colour which boosted Jungwon's ego.

He leaned in once more - only this time pecking her lips. Dohee whined and tugged on his shirt with an annoyed aspect.

He kissed her lips, this time leaving them connected. His hands came down to rest on her waist while hers wrapped around his neck - slowly making their way to tangle up in his hair.

He backed Dohee further up on the counter as the kiss got deeper and more hungry.

"Uhm- we're all going to bed." Heeseung awkwardly interrupted, scratching his nape.

Jungwon pulled away from Dohee and let out a fake cough - to change the atmosphere of the room.

"Yeah, ok. We're tired anyway." He replied before interlocking his hand with Dohee's and dragging her out the kitchen.

Jake laid on the sofa shirtless, a large white bandage was placed over his big open wound. He groaned every time he moved and struggled to keep his eyes closed.

"Why are you sleeping down here?" Dohee asked, Jungwon wrapping his arms around her from behind and resting his head on her shoulder.

"I feel like I would move around too much in my bed, and that would cause me pain so I'm down here." He answered, his one eye scrunching in pain and his thumb coming up to show that he is 'good'.

The couple walked into Jungwon's room and plonked themselves onto his bed.

Dohee wore one of his jumper and wrapped her arms around his neck while he snuggled into her chest - his arms circling her waist.

"Guys wake up!" Sora yelled and burst into their room with a cheerful smile. She shut the door again before entering somebody else's room and doing the same thing.

Jungwon groaned and stretched out his arms, he looked down at his half asleep girlfriend and rubbed her head - lovingly.

"Get up sleepyhead." He encouraged, "it's time to find out what Sora's powers are."

They all stood around outside, Dohee's head was leaned back against Jungwon's chest - while his arms dangled over her shoulders.

"Go on, show them." Sunghoon whispered and bent over to take a better look at her face.

Sora looked around nervously before closing her eyes and allowing them to change colour.

The group clapped and cheered for her, "I think reds your colour." Ni-Ki pointed out with a teasing smile.

Sora covered her face in embarrassment, which only made Sunghoon fold and wrap his arms around her before hugging her tightly.

"So, have you figured out your power yet?" Jay asked, interested to know if they share the same ability.

"How about you try to lift Dohee with one hand? See if you have super strength." He suggested.

Dohee shrugged her shoulders and walked in front of Sora. The brunette girl wrapped one arm around Dohee and prepared to lift her - but nothing ended up happening.

"Maybe not.."

"Ok, face your palm up and try to imagine fire being ignited." Jake suggested and walked up beside the girl.

Sora obeyed but when nothing happened, she couldn't help but feel useless and somewhat embarrassed.

"It's pretty tricky, so don't worry to much that you can't do it." He reassured.

"How about gravity manipulation?" Sunoo squealed and picked up a flower from the grass he was sat on.

He walked over and placed it in her hand, expecting it to float.

Sora huffed and dropped the flower in annoyance. "Why can't I do anything?" She complained.

"It's okay, I couldn't do anything when I first turned." Dohee assured her with a warm smile.

"Close your eyes and imagine a different area of the garden, and then you should be able to teleport."

Sora took a deep breath and shut her eyes, she took in her surroundings and tried to concentrate.

But when she opened her eyes, she found herself in the same place. She shook her head in disappointment and dropped her shoulders, sadly.

"Maybe you just need time to adjust, you haven't long turned." Jungwon pointed out, "I'm sure you'll figure it out someday."

"How about we go and raid blood banks?" Dohee sheepishly suggested - swinging her arm over Sora's shoulder before leading her back inside of the house.


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