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somewhere everyone has fun and let's loose before the big football game.

One of the rules for the carnival, is to have the players wearing their designated jerseys/gear.

The seven boys all walked under the large banner which wrote 'The Decelis 1999 Carnival' in bold fancy letters.

Heeseung stood in the middle and took lead of the path they walked on, Jungwon walked on the left with a football under his arm.

They each wore the same uniform - white long jersey tops with navy writing and letters, something they are given two of, just in case they gift it to a partner or family member for support - plus white shorts with knee length white socks and regular football boots.

Some students of the college went crazy for their visuals and charismatic glances. While others stood with glares and waited until the other team walked in.

And as if on queue, the nine males all walked in straight after. Yudai - or more known as K, stood in the middle.

Jo sent Dohee a small glance before turning to face the front and send sweet smiles to his admirers.

The nine of them wore - burgundy jersey tops which had white writing and letters - grey shorts and long black socks.

Jungwon made his way other to the raven haired girl, who wore baggy blue ripped jeans and a cropped top - which had black long sleeves and a grey base.

"You look pretty." He complimented, making Dohee's cheeks heat up. She sipped from her cola-can and nodded her head towards him.

"You're looking cool." She responded, Jungwon bit the inside of his cheeks to keep himself from smiling and looked down at the ground.

Dohee stared off into the distance and watched how Sunghoon handed Sora his spare jersey.

The Kim girl couldn't help but feel envious, she found that simple gesture and interaction cute. She enjoyed watching the smile grow on Sora's face and liked seeing Sunghoon soft and not so cold for a change.

"Do you have your spare jersey with you?" She asked and looked up into the brunette boys eyes.

"Uhm- yeah, d-do you want it?" He asked in a panic and quickly opened up his duffel bag - which he had swung over his shoulder, he had hoped to place it in the changing rooms so he wouldn't forget in the morning.

"Here." He spoke, his face glowing a crimson colour and his words coming out in a stumble.

Dohee chuckled before sliding the shirt over her head and spinning around to show the boy better. "Cute." Jungwon carelessly spoke - his eyes widening after he realised what he had said.

"I mean- you look cute." He struggled to save himself, Dohee laughed and latched onto his much larger hand.

"Let's have fun!" She spoke and began to drag him around the different stalls.

"Two sets, please." Dohee kindly requested to the older lady, the women nodded with a soft smile and handed the duo a few darts.

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