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door with a small impatient huff. She glanced down at her watch to see that they were already twenty minutes late.

The door swung open, Sora stood there with a confused expression - she wore baggy joggers and a jumper, her hair was slightly messed up and she let out a yawn.

"What are you doing here?"

Dohee groaned and walked into the girls dorm room, "I thought we were going to Jamie's house party together."

Sora scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest, "you haven't spoken to me in two days, ever since you became friends those guys you have been ignoring me." Sora called out with a slight pout.

Dohee looked to the ground before grabbing ahold of the girls hand, "I'm sorry, things have been a bit hectic but there all sorted now." She apologised with a slight lie.

Sora nodded and looked down at their interlocked hands, confusion struck her as she noticed that Dohee's ring had disappeared - the one filled with vervain.

"Where did your ring go?" She asked while reaching up to hold her necklace which matched with Dohee's ring.

"Oh, I must've put it down somewhere and forgot where I put it." Dohee lied - Sora stared at her for moment before slowly nodding.

"Who's party is it again?" Sora wondered - while walking off into her room and going through her clothes.

"Jamie's, it's some 'welcome back to school' party." Dohee answered from the living room.

Dohee wore a tight black dress which went just above her knee, the dress was off the shoulders but had arm sleeves which went down to her fingers. Her ears were dazzled with big gold hoops and her black straight hair went just below her shoulder.

Sora walked into the living room and spun around to show off her outfit, her dress was also black and a little longer than Dohee's. She wore a black cropped jacket and had a black bag with a golden strap swung over her shoulder, her hair was dark brown and had a small kink to it - her ears decorated with small silver hoops.

"Pretty." Dohee commented and wrapped her arm over Sora's shoulder before leading her out of the door.

"Try not to get too drunk." Sora giggled and smiled fondly at the older girl.

The two girls walked into the large house, their arms were interlocked while they looked around the room for different people.

"Dohee!" Jay shouted and rushed over to the two, he looked over at Sora and smiled slightly "hello, Sora. It's good to see you again." He commented and dragged her away from Dohee.

Sora looked back at Dohee, with her eyes screaming for help. The black haired girl could only laugh and went to make her way over as well - but was pulled back instead.

"Hi, remember me?"

"Oh, Jo. You scared me for a second." Dohee said and awkwardly smiled. The dark haired boy chuckled and raised his red solar cup.

"Do you want one?" He shouted over the music - gesturing towards the alcoholic drink in his hand.

Dohee shrugged before following him into the kitchen. "So who did you come with?" He asked her while pouring the small ice cubes into the cup.

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