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Heeseung and stared at her hands awkwardly. "So, Sora, do you have any siblings?" Jake asked.

The brunette girl looked up at her him and shook her head, "no." All seven boys nodded and glanced around at each other.

"Have you always lived in Seoul?" Jay chimed in, Sora looked uncomfortable but nodded in response.

"Have you ever given a blood donation?" Jungwon questioned, Dohee snapped her head to look at him in confusion and disgust.

"Why are you guys asking these questions?" Dohee asked and sat back on the sofa.

"We are just curious, besides asking questions is how you make friends." Heeseung stated with a small shrug.

"Dohee, did you stay in the same house with them or did you have somewhere else to go?" Sora asked and turned to look at the older girl - slightly trying to change the subject.

"I had somewhere else to go.." Dohee mumbled, suddenly feeling vulnerable. Sora nodded and sent her a warm smile.

"You know, I got so many phone calls from your mother. She was freaking out and thought you left with the random guy you were dancing with." Sora chuckled. "Who were you even dancing with? I didn't know you liked to dance."

Dohee laughed awkwardly and locked eyes with Jay, who sent her a smirk from the other sofa. "Just some guy desperate to dance with me. He was a total weirdo though, I regret agreeing to it." She teased. Jay sat up straight and the smile dropped from his face, he quickly cleared his throat and looked around nonchalantly.

"Oh, well I hope you can decide what you want for your next birthday party, and your parents don't take over again." Sora mentioned with a soft smile.

Dohee felt her heart ache, suddenly the need to cry washed over her and she found it hard to show a believable smile.

"It's a little hot in here, I'm going to go and get fresh air." She excused herself and left the library - leaving everyone confused.

"I'm going to go and check on her." Jungwon muttered before following her out.

When Jungwon walked out into the fresh air, he found the girl sat on one of the bleachers while looking into the opposite direction.

He slowly sat down beside her and kept quiet, the sound of her sobs filled his ears - she pushed her hair back and jumped when she caught the sight of Jungwon.

"What are you doing?" She panicked and wiped her eyes.

"Enjoying the fresh air. It was hot in there, you said so yourself." He spoke while stretching his arms out. He glanced over at her to see that she clearly wasn't amused and wasn't feeling his humour at that given time.

"What has made you sad? I could sense your mood change so fast." He asked - his tone turning into worry and concern.

"It's just - I've only now realised that everyone I love and care about will age, then they will die and I have to watch all of that happen. I just feel so guilty, every word I spoke to Sora was a lie." She spoke with more escaping sobs. "I don't want to be a vampire and I don't want to stay eighteen forever." She ranted.

Her words hit Jungwon deep, he found himself nodding along to her ramble and he could even relate to her. "I understand, I really do. I was the only brother who didn't want to be turned, but all of the others did. They said 'it was the only way to be together forever' even sometimes now I wish I just refused and carried on living normally." He admitted - making Dohee's eyes soften.

"I thought you loved being a vampire." Dohee muttered, Jungwon slightly nodded and shrugged his shoulders.

"Sometimes, I mean who wouldn't love being in control of everyone and having the ability to basically have anything you desire."

Dohee giggled and wiped her last falling tears away, "that's true. I'm just going to miss Sora, at some point I will have to depart from her so that she doesn't grow suspicious."

"Can I be honest.. we need Sora for something important and I feel like your the only one who can get her onboard with the plan." He mumbled and stared up at the sun.

Dohee couldn't help but admire the glowing sparkle his skin had as the sun beat down on it. His eyes were shiny and a deep brown colour - they spoke so much yet so little. Dohee noticed the small mole he had on his jawline and how prominent it was.

"What's the plan?" She questioned - drawing her eyes away from his perfectly portioned face.

"Sora has something in her blood that makes us vampires stronger. The whole idea was to capture her and take some of her blood, but after seeing her face and realising she looked like someone we used to know, not all of us are onboard anymore." He answered - sighing deeply after.

This time it was Jungwon's turn to admire her. She stared at the ground which showed off her sloped nose and perfectly shaped eyebrows, he only now noticed her her lips were almost always pink and how the bottom one was more plump than the top.

"Who does she look like?" She asked while swinging her legs and leaning forward on the metal bench.

"Her name was Sarang, her face was classed as perfections back in the 40s. Sunghoon loved her a lot and she loved him, but she was killed by some bad vampires, they came to town and took an interest in her beauty. Only one grew jealous of her and Sunghoon, so they decided to just get rid of her all together." He explained.

Dohee's mouth made an 'O' shape, there was so much information to take in. "So Sora looks like Sunghoons past lover..?"

Jungwon nodded with a small smile, "bazaar right? We couldn't believe it when we first saw her, either." He chuckled.

"So Sora has powerful blood, will you guys need to kill her to take it all?" Dohee wondered, panic filling her body.

"No. Sora won't die, we only need a little bit." He reassured - avoiding eye contact with her completely. "I'm worried though, I think Sunghoon might get too attached to her." he thought out loud while biting down on his fingernail.

"I'm not sure." She shrugged, "it looked like he was waiting to her to arrive with Sunoo, but maybe he was just waiting on Sunoo."

"Maybe.." Jungwon mumbled, he stood up and brushed himself down. "I'm going to back inside, are you coming?" He asked and turned back to look at her.

"Nah, I'll stay here for a bit. I'll be there soon though." She answered with a small smile - having to squint her eyes as the sun blocked her view.

"Ok. See you inside." He nodded and patted her shoulder before leaving and taken one last glance at her.

As he walked away he couldn't help but feel guilty over the lie he had told her.


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